Reviews for Black & White
Grant Gordon chapter 1 . 10/16/2019
Hello. This story was very well written but despite that it was kind of sad to see how such injustice could take place. I like the stories I read to be cheerful and entertaining and not sad like this. I feel very sad for anyone who is so cynical they revel in injustice like you do and glorify it. You must be a very sad soul if you think this sort of injustice is what the human condition is. So while excellently written, I really think this wasn't for me. Sorry and good luck in future. Maybe someday you will write a story that's more to my taste. I hope so because the way you write really is fantastic! Lots of love from Grant.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/7/2019
I liked it. Difficult to get a more cynical story. Narcissa gets her way and it's not pretty...but very effective. A real Slytherin. Kudos!
The Emerald Doe chapter 1 . 8/15/2017
Naricssa is so cunning in this, it's amazing. I like how it takes bit more than gold to get Lucius freed.
PurpleMurex chapter 1 . 7/9/2017
Love this! It's just so Slytherin and fits narcissa perfectly!
Anarade Relle chapter 1 . 2/21/2017
Narcissa here was brilliant; a outstanding character. Clever and ambitious. I enjoyed her interactions with Lucius and her willingness to do what she decided she had to do. It's interesting to see a take on Lucius Malfoy escaping Azkaban that's more complex then "he dropped some gold in the right pockets". I dropped by your profile to read "By That Last Candle’s Light" again and found two new works; I'm glad I did. Thank you for being inspired to write this story.
Alkeides chapter 1 . 5/18/2016
Every man dreams of having a hot blonde wife willing to get tortured and practice casual murdernecromancy to keep their position in high society.

Or perhaps that's only me.

Engaging and well-written story.
Viscount Anarchy chapter 1 . 5/17/2016
Yasfenrill chapter 1 . 5/16/2016
Oh yes this is really well done. Narcissa in here was perfect, she's the queen of deceit and Lucius won't be where he is without her. I also liked the revenge she got on Crouch and it serves as a great ending to this fic. WELL JOB