Reviews for Coffee
Arboreal Musteline chapter 1 . 6/29/2018
this story is interesting... i'd love to read a continuation of this XD
anntamy11 chapter 1 . 6/4/2018
Omg, love this! More iwakiyo please!
ReadsShit chapter 1 . 8/18/2017
Well holy shit... didn't know I needed kiyoko x iwaizumi in my life but hey I WELCOME THIS NEW SHIP WUTH OPEN ARMS
Xale chapter 1 . 6/29/2017
I'm still undecided to whom I will ship Shimizu, but I like the flow of your story .. Keep it up )
Laura chapter 1 . 11/26/2016
Aww it's so sweet ! :3
BlackCatNeko999 chapter 1 . 4/30/2016
This is great. I love the story, the idea, the way you kept them in character, everything! It's beautiful. Great work!