Reviews for Dead Man's Chest
shika93 chapter 20 . 5/12
Wow, need more. I hooked. Please!
TruckersWife chapter 19 . 4/4/2019
in the next one, they should come across the ship that had kidnapped Chloe to 'free her' and they will get her sword back. I also still think that both Will and James should be with her. In the first chapter of the first story, I was wishing for Chloe and James because Chloe has always been my favorite. throughout the series, I decided that I REALLY wanted her with will if Norrington couldn't appreciate her, but now...

you're mean. I dont know who would be better. So if they've decided to be nice and protect each other, appreciate each other as well as Chloe, they should both be with her. They're a group of a pirate, a semi-goddess, and an ex-commidore who has sold his soul to follow Chloe. I think they could agree to a triad relationship.
TruckersWife chapter 20 . 4/1/2019
Is a sea goddess' sorta reincarnation/daughter she could have a romance with both of them without worrying about being "proper"
TruckersWife chapter 20 . 4/1/2019
so if you write a fourth, is it gonna be a triad romance thing? Chloe, James, and Will?
AonGealach chapter 20 . 3/8/2018
I love love love your work. I can not wait for the next installment in this series or any other you write to tell the truth.
Abby chapter 20 . 7/7/2017
So I watched Pirates 1 today which sparked me to reread your series! Which as usual was AMAZING. Hoping for more eventually! Thanks!'n
Maintenant chapter 20 . 6/16/2016
Oh, yes. I cannot wait for Chloe to become Calypso in full, and for James to find himself bound to eternal servitude to her. And for the sex between Chloe, James, and Will to finally start!
vamp1987 chapter 20 . 5/27/2016
Another great installation. It will be interesting to see what you do with the last part and what pieces you remix and how those remixes change the outcome of the story.
justanotherpipedream chapter 20 . 5/14/2016
We've reached the end of Dead Man's Chest! Oh poor Lana in the clutches of Cutler - I hope that she will somehow will be able to take control in the future and turn the tide (pun entirely on purpose). Of course James would trade his freedom for Chloe's, and Will would do anything to get him out of it for a fair fight - thankfully it looks like they are finally on the same footing for now, and will need to be, in order to rescue Jack and Lucy. I'm curious to see what powers Chloe has now, that the bit of Lana's and Lois' returned to her, and I'm excited to see what Tia Dalma and the crew have in store. Thanks for a great installment, and I look forward to reading the next one!
Veronica chapter 20 . 5/14/2016
I need more...I can not wait to see what happens next...Looks like Chloe got some more powers...I love it...Please update!
AFAN chapter 20 . 5/14/2016
I am so weirdly happy that Will and James are going to work together to help Chloe. The three of them will make such a badass team! Super duper looking forward to reading their next adventures!
AFAN chapter 19 . 5/13/2016
Ohhhhh myyyy goodnessss! Chloe is slaying like a boss! She is amazing! I can't wait for more so freakin' addicted to this series!

P.S. Lana is still in the negatives point wise. She needs to change her game and step it up lol
Veronica chapter 19 . 5/13/2016
Awesome...Lana better keep her mouth shut...honestly how naïve and stupid can she be...I can not wait to see what happens next...I love it...I need more...Chloe is so awesome...I can not wait for them to find out what Lana did...Please update!
MaddAlice chapter 20 . 5/14/2016
My goodness! I absolutely loved this! Thank you so much for taking the time to write this for us! I can't wait for Barbossa's reaction to the new Chloe.
sarcastic melody chapter 20 . 5/14/2016
I'm so obsessed with this! I hope another installment happens soon great job!
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