Reviews for In the Church Yard
wobbear chapter 1 . 5/1/2016
Very nicely done. You covered a lot of ground without rushing, so as well as getting a handle on how the two men are feeling, we also understand the situations of Rosamund, the dowager and Cora.

This is a great example of how good Carson is at finding the right words (which of course goes for you as author too) and supporting the new earl: '"Some duties weigh lightly, my lord," Carson said, with feeling. "His Lordship was very highly regarded among the people of the county and with good reason. Everyone knew him. He took an interest."/The ghost of a smile wafted across Robert's face. "He did, indeed. Thank you for that."'

I like the idea that the fourth earl had appointed Carson with his son in mind and they way Carson stopped at the graves of significance to him and called up memories of each person. "The stories were important. The dead lived forever in them." Yes.
Teresagreen chapter 1 . 5/1/2016
Themes of loyalty, succession- familial and occupational - respect, affection, duty, service, order. You have revealed these through the meeting of Carson and Robert Grantham, fifth Earl of Grantham, at the graveside of the fourth Earl if Grantham , in the dawn of the day after his funeral. This world seems settled, well-oiled, accommodating of orderly change through succession. You show Carson and Robert unspokenly, but thoroughly, none the less, approving of this system.
But we know that twenty or so years later, as the Great War ends, that this seemingly settled world order will be in the grips of profound change. We know that both Carson and Robert will be affected by it, challenged and even sidelined by it.
But in 1897, manly solidarity prevails, Even if its solidity is ephemeral. Change is not far off. This almost idyllic, hierarchical and a little brotherly scene, will be shaken. Your approving tone suggests acceptance of this system.
I like the image of the livery-dressed Carson with dew on his shiny black shoes in the dawn light. A not unattractive blemish on the formality of his otherwise immaculate presentation.
suzie chapter 1 . 4/30/2016
What a coincidence that Jim Carter was interviewed (by the AP entertainment writer?) and asked about a prequel to DA, with a young Dowager, young cast, etc. (Posted on tumblr)
Well, looks like you've written the first draft!
Interesting your take on Carson's loyalty...he wouldn't leave Robert for the Dowager , even tho he was a favorite of hers. However, as we know later, he was ready to leave Downton to be with Lady Mary.
imnotokaywiththerunning chapter 1 . 4/30/2016
This is really, really good. Carson reflecting on his grief and all the people who had helped him get where he is was poignant. I liked his comparison of his relationship with the 4th Earl and Robert. I loved the line "I am your man" and Carson's realization that he was now Robert's support kind of. And then their "blubbering." Ha!
This was a nice reflection on the beginning of their friendship. Well done.
Ducky chapter 1 . 4/30/2016
StargateChloe chapter 1 . 4/30/2016
This is an amazing story. I love how you write about the relationship between lord and butler.
dreamer 3097 chapter 1 . 4/30/2016
This is good
Foxcat93 chapter 1 . 4/30/2016
This was a wonderful story, perfect in its characterization of the younger Lord Grantham and Charles Carson. Once I started reading it, I could not stop till the end.

As far as I know, Robert's father was never referred to by his name, only his title and the name you have come up with is an excellent name.

Again, very nice work capturing the era and the relationship between the two men.