Reviews for Her Eyes
smoon4409 chapter 15 . 7/16
This was such a great story, and I loved the way it ended! I have now read all of your stories, and sure you will continue writing more!
billyjbradshaw chapter 15 . 7/2
It's Everything is so different after reading "The Eyes Long, The Heart Cries." Everything takes on this new meaning. I'm glad I read this first and then 'The Eyes Long...' and then re-read this.

billyjbradshaw chapter 12 . 7/2
Re-read: I don't know why, but I really like the way you depict Mamoru and Usagi's fights. When I get fearful and I feel guilty I stop talking too. You just don't want to respond because you don't want to get the other person angrier or you don't want talk about it anymore. I also love how assertive you have Mamoru act as well.

billyjbradshaw chapter 11 . 7/2
Re-read: I can see why Usagi would be entranced by him. I mean, they have this connection from the past and I'm sure it's probably something that makes the back of her mind tingle with some type of familiarity and it confuses her. At the same time I'm sure she's remembering what happened at the party. I wonder how Usagi feels about Mamoru doing this whole interaction. I feel like she's fearful of him, that she's afraid he's going to lose it. I could see why she'd be afraid of that, now that she has seen how possessive he can be.

billyjbradshaw chapter 9 . 7/2
Re-read: It's so crazy how different their reactions are. When you read how Hiro reacted to Usagi's words and how he completely shut down. He just closed himself off. He didn't yell or go crazy the way Mamoru does over here. Yet at the same time, I see how fearful Mamoru is here and his desperation that someone will take her away. He's so insecure. But at the same time, Mamoru's fear is justified. She did end up leaving in the other timeline. But, in that timeline Mamoru also refused to acknowledge his past, therefore Hiro got there first.

billyjbradshaw chapter 6 . 7/2
Re-read: So I can totally understand Mamoru's uneasiness. I mean, in a different timeline she chose to be with Hiro. I would think that part of his soul remembers that feeling that Hiro is somehow a threat. It makes the Mamoru's reactions seem filled with a different purpose now. His desire to have her stay away from him is something that is instinctual.

billyjbradshaw chapter 3 . 7/2
Re-readI’m thinking he’s having a flashback of when he made love to her.

billyjbradshaw chapter 2 . 7/2
I’m re-reading this after I read your prequel- and that moment when there eyes meet at the store...takes on a whole different meaning! Omg.
Guest chapter 14 . 5/26
Eww I hate people like Hiro. People like him are homewreckers. He has no respect for her that he destroys her relationships because he says he's in love with her. If this was reverse, with a girl going after Mamoru, everyone will hate on both Mamoru and the girl.
smoon4409 chapter 16 . 3/6
Just read your story, and I loved your story. It was really good!
Unknown867 chapter 1 . 1/3
Ok so here I am years fucking later never thinking twice that there was more than ONE CHAPTER OF THIS STORY. I faved this story years ago! How the hell did I not realize this. Nevertheless, I spent the entire day binge reading this fic. And omg I freaking lovvvvvvved it. No surprise since I’ve loved all your stories, especially your newest one. You always portray Mamoru in the most amazing ways. I loved your bad boy Mamo in Its never too late and I lovvvved your jealous/angry Mamo in this. Just I don’t have words. And your lemons?! NSFW needs to be stamped all over this. So beautifully written and so sexy and delicious and I had to fan myself I promise you. Hiro had some ballllllls in this fic. But it did break my heart a little, unrequited love, so sad. I think you wrapped this fic up beautifully and I love a happily ever after. Great job babe. I’ll never get tired of your stories. I wish I would have reviewed each chapter and told you everything I felt reading each one but I got so wrapped up in this, I couldn’t stop hitting next. Thanks for blessing us with your writing. Love you!
Caro chapter 16 . 12/20/2019
Al no tener desilusiones serena tamooco sabe lo afortunada que es al tener a alguien que te ame asi. Me encanto como retraste todo desde el punto de vista de hiro y mamoru
Mylee2223 chapter 16 . 8/20/2019
Personally I liked what you did with their break if she would have given hiro that chance I feel like it would have diminished their love in my eyes. I'm happy that the break was put in though as they say
If you truly love something and let it go if it comes back it was truly yours.
Oreo596 chapter 15 . 12/10/2018
Very nice ending~ Thanks for the great story!
Oreo596 chapter 14 . 12/10/2018
Ya man! What the hell has he done...! ( sorry, I can get passionate about stories...)
This ones gonna be interesting...
And, is it bad that I kinda want a scene with Mamoru and Motok, Motoki finding out about him separating relationship from her n Mamaru being yelled at...? sry, my mind just wanders sometimes...
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