Reviews for Messing with Morgana
DiamondHeart21 chapter 12 . 7/15
I’m really enjoying this!
Sampdoria chapter 38 . 6/3
Thank you for a fantastic story:-))
decadenceofmysoul chapter 38 . 6/2
Awesome story!
roon0 chapter 38 . 6/2
I absolutely loved this. Could you possibly mark it as complete if its done, its less confusing for your readers.
nette91 chapter 38 . 6/2
Loved the story, thanks for sharing.
SereniteRose chapter 38 . 6/2
I absolutely loved this story it was very excellent I so enjoyed it very much thanks ever so much
BratGirl1983 chapter 36 . 5/30
I am really looking forward to the next few chapters, please update
decadenceofmysoul chapter 36 . 5/29
Awesome update!
roon0 chapter 36 . 5/29
Dumbledore got his and Hermione is going to have a litter, how fabulous. Keep safe.
SereniteRose chapter 36 . 5/29
what an excellent chapter, glad to see that Hermione is okay, it's an enjoyable story, I like it very much, thanks ever so much.
Sampdoria chapter 36 . 5/29
Wonderful update, Dumbledore got his just desert.
BratGirl1983 chapter 35 . 5/26
I am really looking forward to the next chapters, please update
misadventure girl chapter 35 . 5/22
( posted too soon)

I was saying the plot is a bit rushed and I feel the characters could be fleshed out more. I'm really interested in what happened to the pureblood families. I understand in theory, but that's a major plot point and it is just sort of skimmed over. Also, the extreme violence from Dumbledore is off-putting. Is he manipulative? Of course. Is he devious and has a warped view of 'the greater good?' Absolutely. But he isn't violent to the point of using physical harm. He is the greatest wizard alive, he defeated Grindelwald, why would he need to resort to physically harming someone when he has a wand?

This has the potential to be a great story. I'd suggest a beta to help with general editing and to help bounce ideas. off to round out your characters and plot! Can't wait to see where you take us!
misadventure girl chapter 35 . 5/22
I feel like this fic has a lot of potential but the plot is a bit
misadventure girl chapter 17 . 5/22
Is Narcissa pregnant with another child or are you saying she's pregnant with Draco? In cannon he's older than Harry by almost 2 months.
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