Reviews for Inheritance
Susan chapter 26 . 5/1
I love this fanfic soooo much, thank you very much for bringing Zoro back to live, I love it, please continue!
Red Voident Dragon chapter 27 . 3/10

Oh my word you brought him back, I was hurting so much please never again. T.T
Wgdfazg2j chapter 27 . 3/10
YAAAS IT HAPPENED! Thanks sooo much for continuing this, it means so much that you didn't just abandon it like the countless fics I've read before. But anyway- ZORO LIVEEEES... it's so awesome! While reading chapter 25 I almost believed that's the end, and was a little depressed... But you went beyond my expectations and totally changed the situation. So cool, man, I don't even know how to express it in proper words. But one I knowI'm wholly into this story now. Pretty please continue it? Love ️
Wgdfazg2j chapter 25 . 3/7
Oh no, it was too sad! But thanks for continuing this, I almost lost hope. I still wish something'll happen and somehow... I don't know how, don't really care... That somehow everything would be alright. Even if it's not posibble! I'll just curl myself in the corner and cry, ok? But beside it all, I'm waiting for the next chapter
CovidBored chapter 25 . 3/6
My hat is off and I bow to you.

Once again well done!
Red Voident Dragon chapter 25 . 3/5
My heart please let him live, i can't take it any longer
Oh my gosh TvT I happen to wake the middle of the night and had the off chance of checking my email just to get a notification of this chapter, continuing sleep be damned of course i had to read it.
I'm still fighting drowsiness, or am I too emotional from today's chapter... who knows :D
Thank for your continued work, per usual fantastic job on making me cry ERR I MEAN
No actually, ye, good job on these tears.

Poor guys...TvT
Ivyy chapter 24 . 2/25
OMG You Updated! I've been waiting so longg, but you had me crying so baddlyyy! T.T Zoro simply CAN'T DIEE! HE IS EVERYTHINGG! Please don't make him die, please let him survive and be back to the crew! He wouldn't want to leave them too! Please continue to update!
Guest chapter 24 . 7/19/2019
Sorry, it slipped my mind.
Red Voident Dragon chapter 24 . 7/18/2019
Lie down.. try not to cry...
...Cry a lot
Cry even more

Oh god my heart, I can't take this, I dropped everything to read this and even with this nagging headache- i ended up with my head aching less, probably because majority of the ache went down to my heart.

Here anyway, Im gonna go cry some more, I can't tell how you managed to write such a beautiful moving piece without, well, shattering.

Ye, I can't make sense now (not like I could ever?). Great job inmakingmeweep; erm in writing this, looking forward for more heart ach- ERR STORY, i mean story.
CovidBored chapter 24 . 7/18/2019
Truly touching on the emotions.

Well Done!
Red Voident Dragon chapter 23 . 3/19/2019
Looks like I'm starting my morning with an extreme side of tears. TvT
Oh god, he can't die, my heart can't take it! And you're traumatizing poor Chopper and Luffy too, aaaaa..

Another fantastic chapter and man, is it always, always! a joy seeing the notification for your story to pop up on my email. Ngl has me squealing and dropping everything on the spot, speaking of which I should get back to work.. whoooops.

Keeps it up!
It chapter 22 . 3/14/2019
Please update please
Ivy chapter 22 . 3/6/2019
Please continue this storyyyy it can't be the end righttt...zoro is going to be okay i believe zoro will make it but please make a few more chapters for his recovery and the ending tooo pleaseeee!
Susan chapter 22 . 2/9/2019
Please update soon, I have been waiting for a while now. You are such an amazing writer and have a great talent. Thank you for your work.
RRina chapter 22 . 12/23/2018
Nice chap! I read it in few minutes and oh I can see how Sanji feel. It's hurt to see his friend give up on himself. And Luffy!, and Chopper come in time! Wow, I can't wait for next chap. Thanks for continue. I'm looking forward to next!
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