Reviews for Not Your Fault
Guest chapter 3 . 7/5/2018
I'm glad he's (hopefully?) going to be okay. This was an interesting story. Thanks for writing.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/5/2018
I'm hoping he doesn't die...
Guest chapter 1 . 7/5/2018
Bucky... :'( Poor Steve...I hope they can fix this...
by7the7sea chapter 3 . 1/30/2017
But, but, but ... does Bucky survive?

Okay, in my conclusion, he does. He's not dying on my watch! ;) lol

Thank you for posting.
by7the7sea chapter 1 . 1/30/2017
Nooo, Bucky, nooooooo! :(

Thank you for posting.
Dante 101 chapter 3 . 8/20/2016
Sheesh. Those last words at the end are like a punch to the gut. The ending line was perfect but sad. I'm left wondering if Tony is going to re-evaluate his position or if Steve's going to step down from his position so he no longer can fight/they can't order him to fight.
Farbeyondthegrave chapter 2 . 5/23/2016
Stark is such a twat
Morning'sSong chapter 3 . 4/28/2016
Jesus those last words between Tony and Steve are like a punch to the gut, now I'm left wondering if Tony is going to re-evaluate his position or if Steve's going to step down from his position so he no longer can fight/they can't order him to fight
daenabenjen42 chapter 3 . 4/26/2016
...on the bright side, Dr. Cho did the smart thing and made Tony get out of the armor. Go Dr. Cho!
Sunshine-and-Joy chapter 3 . 4/26/2016
Great writing, I especially like Spider-Man. Great job!
ladyfreque chapter 3 . 4/25/2016
Just reading this I feel like I've been through a wringer. Writing this... Excellent writing. Now we wait.
cairistiona7 chapter 3 . 4/25/2016
Maaaan, this had to have been hard to write, my friend, but you did it amazing well. You caught Cap's anguish and his team's anger, Tony's well hidden heart, and Dr Cho's competence and complete taking-no-crap attitude. The ending line was perfect. There really will be no winner in this conflict. *cries*
shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod chapter 3 . 4/25/2016
The jabs Tony and the rest of the group threw at each other were written both perfectly and painfully. Poor Steve, poor Bucky, poor everyone! I definitely didn't see that ending coming.
Morning'sSong chapter 2 . 4/24/2016
Ahhhhhrrrrggg ILOVETHIS- whenever I see a fic pop up with your name on it all other priorities get tosses aside XD I love all of these mini-fics you keep putting up, your ideas on where the stories could go and how well you nail all the characters make every story a joy to read! I don't suppose there'd be one more chapter you could tag onto this? You always pick good spots to leave off but I'd really love to see how you'd take the story if Bucky got stabilized (or not...) and the stand off between the teams now the physical conflict has finished
shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod chapter 2 . 4/23/2016
I love the image of everyone stopping their fighting and worrying about what happened. Glad that Natasha came to help, and it was verg in character for Tony not to at first. Great chapter!
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