Reviews for Rebuild of Gaia
NocturneX chapter 2 . 4/3/2018
Ah, no wonder I've seen Yuffie address Tifa as "Boobs" in numerous fanfics! I always recruited Yuffie and Vincent BEFORE Aerith died, so I never had Tifa or Cid in charge when that particular scene occurs.
NocturneX chapter 1 . 4/3/2018
Loveless? Oh, I hope Genesis shows up at some point...
himelove22 chapter 40 . 3/28/2018
I was just thinking about this story, logged in and saw it was updated how lucky nice chapter
ken.nuhfer chapter 40 . 3/27/2018
Sorry to hear about the lack of motivation and ideas, glad you are still writing though. As for Kunsel being a focus character, it's a good idea, give him some screen time, so to speak, while Cloud and Zack are out of commission.
PhantomDave chapter 40 . 3/27/2018
Greetings again, friend. Glad to see you're back with another installment. I'm excited to see that you're finally exploring Kunsel's point of view; your interpretation of him is one of my favorite aspects of this series. I've always felt that FFVII's universe and characters could benefit from a straight-laced, mentally stable figure, and Kunsel fits the mold quite nicely.

I think my favorite thing about this is how we finally get an unfiltered view of Kunsel's mind works. Already he's proven himself to be a capable investigator - patient, analytical, and flexible. I look forward to seeing him in action again.
Kender20 chapter 40 . 3/26/2018
Yep, definitely Dirge of Cerberus territory here! It's interesting to see this part of the story focus on Kunsel. What happened to Vincent? What will Kunsel find in Nibelheim this time around? and on a side note, oh Zack! It's so much like you to leap before you look! Keep at it, Irish-Brigid. I'm certain you'll be able to overcome those obstacles in writing, because you're not alone in facing them.
Anatherin chapter 39 . 1/11/2018
Wow, so I finally came back to this. I was thinking a lot about FFVII yesterday and decided to check ye old fanfiction dot net. It's been so long! It's actually sort of nostalgic coming back here, and coming back to your fic specifically is a bit like a homecoming. I couldn't remember where I even left off so I just started this whole piece over again, and I'm really glad you stuck with it, even though it seems many people have gone their separate ways. I've just been reminded how dear these characters are to me, and I love your attention to the world of this game and your fleshing out of the different cultures therein. Also now I'm really curious as to what is happening in Nibelheim. I'll be back for more!
Guest chapter 39 . 1/3/2018
Will Genesis appear? Or even Deepground and the Tsviets? Considering we are entering DoC territory here.

And it's pretty much confirmed in the Crisis Core Complete Guide that Genesis has reappeared to protect the planet and that when Minerva cured him of his degradation, that was pretty much her way of branding him as the planet's champion. Though from the way how he carried Weiss off in the ending of DoC and how ominous he sounds, it appears he's more of a purger. I dunno. Excited to see more from you, at least some few decent FF7 fanfic writers are still active.
AfterGlow102 chapter 39 . 1/1/2018
Greetings! Been reading your FF7 stories as far as back to The Difference One Life Makes and have only bothered to leave a review now. Your stories are well written to the point it does not even deter much from the canon material.

A question though; Will Genesis be making an appearance or will he play an important role? I mean, from the way you have foreshadowed his influence on Zack even back to your first story just raises my suspicioins on him, that and it would make for a rather interesting setup with his old friend, Sephiroth lol. What with the fallen angels of Gaia they are and all.

Anyways, hope to get more from you!
ken.nuhfer chapter 39 . 12/25/2017
I had been anticipating the release of the next chapter. I kept checking regularly, hoping to see it in my list of stories I'm following.
viralhybrid29 chapter 39 . 12/25/2017
Merry Christmas to you too!
PhantomDave chapter 39 . 12/25/2017
Yuletide greetings, friend. Longtime reader, first-time commentator. I've been following your stories since you were halfway through writing The Difference One Life Makes, and I have to say that as far as FFVII authors go, you number among my favorites. It saddens me that there are so few writers currently active within the fandom, which makes your stories a comfort and a joy; you're one of those few who manage to get everything right.

This story has been a great adventure to follow so far, and I can't wait to see where it goes from here. Here's wishing you all the best and a happy new year.

Kender20 chapter 39 . 12/25/2017
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Irish-Brigid! I'm so glad that Zack and Cloud came out all right, and are now on the road to recovery. How long have they been out cold? I wonder what exactly Minerva is planning for both of these young men? Ah, so it seems like we're entering Dirge of Cerberus territory here! Nice! Would Deepground be making an appearance, perhaps? And since he's still there, what role would Sephiroth be playing in all this? Or Genesis, for that matter? And what about Denzel and Marlene? Are they gonna have a family moment with Cloud and Tifa? Keep at it! I'll be looking forward to it.
xaxiel1572 chapter 38 . 10/13/2017
Well at least there finally getting cured.
ken.nuhfer chapter 38 . 10/12/2017
I was very excited to see an update for this. It had been so long since the last one I almost gave up hope.
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