Reviews for Friendships formed
05kiongoizthelion chapter 3 . 10/4/2018
Beyonc 1981 chapter 1 . 5/25/2018
I don't really like your version of Tiifu and Zuri in this. Cuz, they didn't really act like themselves firstly Tiifu is more meaner to Kion then Zuri is and not just that but some of there comments weren't necessary. And no offence but I feel as if this story just doesn't really flow or make sense 4 me.
SB Studios 14 chapter 1 . 5/5/2018
Also maybe the girls were all cubs when Kion was born, so you could be right about that as to why he says that Zuri and the girls treat him like a toddler? And as to why he says he's the second born is because Kopa's the third born, maybe? But then that would condrict because Kopa was training to be king someday implying that he's the oldest? Also his books came out in 1994, straight after the movie was made so...
SB Studios 14 chapter 1 . 5/5/2018
Yo your story was alright. But the timeline could definitely improve, I mean like Zuri 15 said Tiifu is younger than Kiara Kion and Zuri, because in the interview with Sarah Hyland she clearly said "She's fun and she's the youngest" implying that she's the youngest out of Kion Kiara and Zuri, I assume. Tho on the wiki someone said that she was the youngest cub, but that's not necessarily what she said, because Simba says to Kion there are many other cubs for you to pick...also in my opinion I also think Kopa may be younger than Kion and Kiara, but I'm not going to say that I'm 100% right about this. And maybe Sarah Hyland meant she's the youngest out of the girls but older than Kion?
Zuri 15 chapter 1 . 4/12/2018
Isn't Tiifu supposed to be younger than Kion Zuri and Kiara, as in a interview Sarah Hyland her voice actress said she was the youngest?
But Zuri is probably older than Kion, seeing as in day of the crocodile he says in the alternate ending "She (referring to Zuri) and my sister treat me like a toddler." Implying she is slightly older than him but probably younger than Kiara, however this has never been confirmed whether she is older or younger. But yes I do ship Kion and Zuri, Kion and Tiifu is weird for me because they both dislike each other and never once did Kion save Tiifu individually.
Zuri 15 chapter 1 . 4/12/2018
Ikr, but why are you complaining here for Tiifu 23?! Go complain on a KionxTiifu story. :) no really it's like she clearly thinks he sucks by saying "You're not the queen!" In her catty rude tone and he clearly thinks she sucks also never once has Kion saved Tiifu individually... but he has saved Zuri?
Zuri 15 chapter 1 . 4/10/2018
Yeah but love story was deleted now, so...who cares but along with that the one shots and this other story with Zuri and Kion got deleted and it was like there only fanfiction on that they were together so ;(
Tiifu 23 chapter 1 . 4/6/2018
Cool cast, Prince Kion but I don't know why on love story and so many fanfics they ship Kion and Tiifu together. When Tiifu clearly hates him and clearly said that he was dumb and he won't be as good as his sister at ruling. Also Kion hates her too and said that she and Zuri suck at being advisers and let his sister slip away! Like really.
Prince Kion chapter 1 . 3/29/2018
Oh and yeah, last but not least, I forgot Vitani who I picture to be voiced by Miley Cyrus.
And Babu voiced by Cody Simpson.
Prince Kion chapter 1 . 3/29/2018
And here's my cast:
Kopa-Francesco Yates
Kion-Justin Bieber
Kiara-Taylor Swift
Zuri-Selena Gomez
Tiifu-Alli Simpson
Kovu-Zayn Malik
Simba-Donald Glover
Prince Kion chapter 1 . 3/26/2018
Hiya guys imma be writing a story on either wattpad or , so be on the look out for it, most probably wattpad, but yeah and it's called The Lion King 4-The return of a prince and then I'm making another one called The Lion King 5-The rise of the secret. If your looking for my ideas and what it's gonna be about then you can look on Love Story Kion x Tiifu reviews, and you'll see(however the review may take awhile to download so...). Anyways here's a brief summary of what it's gonna be about Part 4... Kopa comes back and his good and was assumingly killed by the hyenas as a cub. He chooses Timiara as his betroth but on the day of their wedding he dies. The kingdom is upset both Kiara and Kovu do not want to rule so eventually Kion comes back and chooses Zuri as his betroth, so she becomes future queen and the end. :)
Part 5 is, (still thinking) most probably about secrets and theories that were never told and Kovu's death, Tiifu dies on part 4 tho so before Kovu dies. But either way they both end up dying:(
1D chapter 1 . 3/20/2018
Oh sorry I meant(you didn't spell Tiifu wrong). :) Anyways cool.
1D chapter 1 . 3/20/2018
Yep, cool story and I'm not fussed about the ages cuz for me even if Tiifu is younger than Kion it still works better when her Kiara and Zuri are all older than Kion and Fuli isn't supposed to be older than Kiara cuz she was shown to be a baby when Kion was one just that she's a cheetah and a yearling can hunt.
Also another thing, you spelt Tiifu wrong it's Tiifu not Tifu anyways enough of that cool story. :)
Miley Cryus Fan chapter 1 . 3/15/2018
Kopa- Franceso Yates
Kovu- Zayn Malik
Kiara- Taylor Swift
Babu- Cody Simpson
Tiifu- Alli Simpson
Zuri- Selena Gomez
Kion- Justin Bieber
Simba-Donald Glover
Vitani-Miley Cryus
Selenator 24 chapter 1 . 3/14/2018
Cool story. :)
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