Reviews for Izaya in Wonderland
lolita chapter 8 . 2/18
Did you know it took me ages to get here? I purposefully go looking for the bad ending and I can't even find it. I was this close to cheating.

Replaying made me realize just how lucky I got. On my first playthrough absolutely nothing perverted happened. It was a pious route.

Anyways, I just wanted to say I love the horror aspect with the pile of corpse puppets and hearing the knocking noise only to see no one there. I'm more invested in that than I am in the lewd moments to be honest... maybe it's because after Monster Girl Quest nothing fazes me anymore. xD

Finally, if you still want to make this a game have you tried using Twine? It works really well for making choose-your-own-adventure games. You don't even have to know coding to use it.
lolita chapter 34 . 2/18
I literally just decided to wait and look around. Next thing I know: DRAGON.

I'm disappointed because I wanted to go to page 43 but it hasn't been uploaded yet (and considering this fic hasn't been updated since 2016... ) Oh well, I guess I'll go see what the other options are now.
lolita chapter 33 . 2/18
I threatened to burn Kadota so a trap door opened and Izaya landed in the clearing. So far I've been playing one route the entire time and haven't had to restart yet. I don't know if it's because my luck is just that good or what. xD
lolita chapter 15 . 2/18
It took me 5 pages to get here. I never got the bad ending because I refused to open any of the doors lol.
Nanase14 chapter 8 . 11/23/2017
I'm pretty sure i got the shortest cut here since i wanted to open the doors from the beggining lol
DawnChamber chapter 33 . 4/30/2017
This is such an interesting concept! I can't wait for more chapters to be released! I wonder what roles other characters will be...? And you know things will be interesting and more tricky the more options you get! This is so exciting! .
Kimura Kaoru chapter 1 . 4/20/2017
HappyLand1024 chapter 1 . 3/19/2017
I got through the first maze and then went through that perverted mirror. Lol. And I was curious about the bad ending satisfied my perverted side and my rational goody two shoes side was like, OMG whattttt?
katiec345 chapter 33 . 10/4/2016
This is so much fun pls update will give hug
katiec345 chapter 32 . 10/4/2016
katiec345 chapter 15 . 10/4/2016
Finally finished that maze after 15 minutes
NaruBuki chapter 30 . 8/8/2016
...I got drowned in Chikage... Literally... What a perverted mirror xD I knew I shouldn't trust a mirror -v- I wanna follow the blurry white thing- Shizu-chan- please update soon! As an artist myself I can see the pretty visual novel.. Alice theme Durarara... Amazing ** I wish so badly it was really a visual novel, you did a great job so far!
NaruBuki chapter 15 . 8/8/2016
I found the bad ending first cuz- HEY CURIOSITY DID KILL A CAT X"D I was scared if should run or hide when the door opened itself but- hey I made it haha
NaruBuki chapter 8 . 8/8/2016
...I kept opening the freaking doors... Curse me.. Damn my curiosity... Well at least I got my fav kink, tentacle rape- kinda x"D gonna start over :"D
jackcicle chapter 8 . 6/27/2016
10 pages I dont remember how
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