Reviews for Apologies
Joanne N. Grey chapter 1 . 7/10/2016
Wow! This one was definitely a really heartfelt piece of work. The emotions present, just so real, so relatable. Excellent work I have to say
RanTracer chapter 1 . 5/4/2016
What well written 's determination can be both inspiring and detrimental. Nice job displaying that!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/16/2016
What a beautiful, well-written thoughtful fic this was. I absolutely loved it. I think you just nailed every thought going through each turtle's head, and responses by the other were also spot on. Excellent job!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/14/2016
My god this was beautiful
LP chapter 1 . 4/13/2016
Thank you! This sooo needed to be written.

The one thing that's bugged me about the new series is how often Leo and Don seem to be at odds with each other. Leo and Raph tension is expected but they somehow manage to seem closer for their differences rather than strained. Leo and Don need a moment like this in the show.

I loved that you brought out an important point through Donnie - what Leo (and the others) see in the simulator is really a reflection of what is in his own minds and thoughts. Memories can be distorted by feelings. So what Leo was doing was just beating himself up or trying to console himself using Shredder/Splinter as a front, even if he didn't realize it. And what Leo needed was for someone to confront him about it instead of just complaining behind his back.

I also loved that Don had the realization that he and Leo are feeling the same pressure and now don't have to deal with it alone. These two might be more alike than they thought.

Glad that Leo apologized to Don for yelling at him and that Don accepted the apology so easily. There are a lot of stories being published right now that are making Don out to be some kind of martyr while Leo is a heartless taskmaster. I think this story finds a good balance between their faults and strengths without being out of character or making one or the other the "bad guy".

Beautiful story, thanks for sharing!
Nainers chapter 1 . 4/14/2016
ahhhhhhhhh! this is incredible! I love how you portrayed the two and their relationship. Great job!
FearlessLeader-Leonardo chapter 1 . 4/14/2016
These two are just so utterly cute; love them XD
Reader115 chapter 1 . 4/13/2016
What a great (and needed) moment between Leo and Donnie. I like how you expanded Leo's use of the hologram room beyond just sitting to talk with their father. Thanks for going behind the scenes and showing us some of the things we're unlikely to see on the show.
fevertw chapter 1 . 4/13/2016
I read this on Tumblr before finding it on here and wow let me just sat how I adore this story! 10k felt nothing as it feels like something that would happen in the show —even though Leo & Don haven't really bonded. Which I really hope they do, because they never did bonded... Ever since Donnie created Metalhead, I always felt like Leo and Don were never in good sides. So it's great that you wrote this, and I really loved it.