Reviews for Eternal Sin
Pootis McTootis chapter 19 . 3/31
Not gonna lie... That was pretty gay.
B.E.A.T.N chapter 28 . 7/24/2019
Great work. I was enthralled through the entire story.
DampireOfJersey chapter 1 . 4/8/2019
This is really good! I got an idea that is now a part of my headcannon. When Alucard lamented about running out of bullets during his 30 year spree, I got a flash of him and Jackel Bruce Willis going on the "wild adventures" he promised in order to kill the souls.
CrazyBitchair chapter 28 . 3/12/2019
This was a joy to read! I've finished watching Hellsing Ultimate a couple days ago and I feel so frustrated and empty, I wish we could've had more regular mission/slice of life Hellsing moment before shit hit the fan. I was really happy to find a multi-chapters Alutegra fic with an interesting plot - it satisfied both my obession with this ship and my need for more Hellsing content (seriously wish the OVA was longer). I'm also glad this is a happy-ending fic (the characters deserve it). Thanks for this great piece of fanfiction, I'm off to reading the sequel ;)
mireee3D2Y chapter 28 . 6/2/2017
I keep rereading this over and over again. I miss this fic so much! 3
atir chapter 28 . 2/27/2017
Lovely, amazing, i really adore this story! Thanks for this fanfic .writte more about integra and alucard please i love them.
scout360pyro chapter 28 . 1/19/2017
A beautiful fanfiction; well written, long, and best of all, complete. A wonderful expansion of the Hellsing Ultimate series. You made excellent use of the canon story to explain changes in Alucard's behavior along with a few other things so that everything lines up.
Gray-Chan Fallen chapter 28 . 1/19/2017
10/10 amazing extra chapter, and the fact that Alucard kept his word in doing Integra on his chair/drone made me smile and giggle like an idiot aahh~ xD
Gray-Chan Fallen chapter 27 . 1/8/2017
I'm a little late, I apologize but I will admit I was in denial at the fact that this amazing series is over. It gave me lots of emotions and this fanfic was everything I ever wanted with Alucard and Integra. Amazing writting, interesting ocs and perfect back story, I laughed, I scream and I even managed to shed a tear. This was the fanfic I would read before going to sleep after a long day, an escape. I could see everything happen in my head and it was perfect and I'm so glad I managed to stumble upon this and that you, the author, took your time to give us this amazing series. For me it is in my list of top 5 best fanfics on this website and my #1 IntegraxAlucard series, and I'm being honest here. Again, I was in denial to finish reading this chapter (plus college and well vacations and what not, I like to read this alone cause I used this fanfic to practice my voice acting for Integra and Seras haha). But aahh, thank you so much for this and you're an amazing writer and I look forward to any other Hellsing works you decide to publish. Now, it is time to read that bonus chapter~!
Lutemis chapter 24 . 12/5/2016
Ok, while i have to say this is one of the few good hellsing fics out there, I have tl point out 2 things this chapter:
1. The climax felt rushed and dissapointing with how the 2 of them kinda pulled those abilities from their asses. Alucards kinda makes sense, but the time manipulation felt like bs to me and made the fight lame imo.
2. Unless you are using the original anime's rule cor turning someone, he could still turn her if she died, since alucard literally admits it to seras in the first episode pf the ova. He literally sits ther and watches her die, then does a weird thing where he talks to her spirit, and THEN he bites her and brings her back. Therefor, even if he felt bad about the consent, he could have still brought her back if she died, and like the earlier girl, she cpuld have ended the unlife at any time. The rest of the story was great, but this end for that didnt fit.
speedfanatic05 chapter 28 . 10/17/2016
What a delightful chapter! You continue to spoil me with these two. I absolutely love that they've completed the puzzle and all of the pieces fit perfectly. As I thought, Integra's strength wasn't just a facade, it's ingrained, it's apart of her being and nothing shows that more than her transformation. I love that you've conveyed her transformation as a rebirth of sorts; she's been held to a sort of standard and now that the standard has been obliterated, she can bloom and flourish.

What more can I say about the relationship? They've laid all of their secrets bare, there's nothing left to chance, the playing field is open and expanded. And well, they have the intimacy down to a t. No worries there, lol.

Such a great story! Exciting and invigorating. Titillating and decisive. Everything that a great story could be. I'll definitely miss reading chapters as they come but that doesn't mean that it goes forgotten. I'm certain I'll be rereading again.

I can't wait to see what's next!

Great work!
AmericanWildDog chapter 28 . 10/17/2016
Changing into a bat always seemed the coolest thing to me about being a vampire. I mean they are pretty cute with their little foxy faces and their big ears that wiggle! Not to mention being the only mammal that can fly is pretty cool.
What can I say, it was a wild ride throughout this entire fic. I honestly didn't expect some of the things you did and that was some of the best things about it. I mean most professional Hollywood movies that cost millions to produce didn't have as many twists and turns as this fic did! You made me laugh and cry and squeal with delight as Alucard and integra went through every horrible obstacle they could have faced. Not to mention all the little moments between PipxSeras and the relationships the other characters shared with one another. You made the side-characters relatable and it made me legit upset when some of them died. Lillith was a truly interesting character and i will miss her. The villain was the right amount of intelligent and arrogant. Smart enough to get his goal almost to the end but in the end he underestimated our heroes and that was his downfall.
This fic is one of the best I've ever read and I do look forward to anything else you write down the line. it was a wonderful experience and I wish you the best of luck and joy in any future projects and writing!
Alexis chapter 28 . 10/16/2016
Oddly enough, the book does suit the story perfectly (though I found it had a more socio-political context than people might think at first glance). You ended this perfectly! And the paragraph you chose to include is perfect for this.
Sunset Nightfall chapter 28 . 10/16/2016
Gahhh! it's done! Still hot! Can't believe it's 4 am here and I've been holding my L.O.L. LITERALLY. Hahahahaha. Imma read this all over again. LOL.
Palomixta chapter 27 . 10/16/2016
Snif snif... I can't believe that this story will end soon. Noooooo :((. I must tell you that you wrote an awsome story. One of the best between Alucard and Integra. Congratulations and thank you very much. I hope that the last chapter will be the best one ;)))
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