Reviews for Pride, Narcissism and Prejudice
princessofwolfs chapter 30 . 4/25
I love this story so much! I miss it
bewitchedquill chapter 30 . 2/7
Please continue this story! It's wonderfully written!
musicbeats31 chapter 30 . 10/14/2019
I think I just waited a year author-san.
Aeternus.Flamma chapter 30 . 9/17/2019
I hardly ever review, but I felt like this warranted one! I never in a million years thought I would a Pride and Prejudice inspired story, but here we are... It was fabulously written from the start so I gave it a try and it was worth it! Admittedly, I also only clicked it because there was a recent review... So... I hope you'll give us another one before the year is up, haha! Thanks for a great story.
MaTsuRi2308 chapter 30 . 9/15/2019
This... this is actually pretty good. Like I can't help but keep my hopes up for Mai and Masako's love life. And then there's also the mystery shrouding Naru and the others. Butost especially I can't help but hope that Eugene is still alive in/near that lake and he's just in comma or something even though I know he's technically dead, but this is a fanfiction so anything can happen and I may be crossing my fingers that he's not dead yet but it seems he is so there's no helping my breaking heart for the twins and the family. It's a freaking rollercoaster ride for my emotions and I still love it. And I also love you dear author for still continuing this ever so decreasing fandom of Ghost Hunt.
DeathWriter97 chapter 30 . 8/19/2019
Omg! I love this story. It has two of my favorite things rolled into one. And very well written!
daughterXofXdarkness chapter 30 . 8/17/2019
It was worth the wait and poor Mai realizing that she returned his feelings... ow my heart.
soulsborne123 chapter 30 . 8/12/2019
I finally remembered to read it! I saw the update some time ago and put it on my to-do-list but it kept slipping my mind. Anyway this was a great read! I love Mai and Masako friendship/sisterhood. There's that feeling of togetherness you encapsulate so well. Masako's sorrow is Mai's sorrow, and vice versa.
And as a diehard Mairu fan, I am sooo glad Mai finally saw through Naru's actions. It feels like we're really nearing the end now and I'm both sad and excited about it because I don't want it to end, but also I'm happy for you to have written so much of this beautiful re-telling.
You can do it Circe! Almost there! Can't wait for the next one!
bewitchedquill chapter 30 . 8/4/2019
AAAHHH YAY! Welcome back! Can't wait for the next chapter. This also gives me hope that a few other fics I love that haven't been updated in a long time have not been abandoned. Thanks for the hope!
Vampcrow chapter 30 . 8/2/2019
OMG! I must confess when I saw you updated I giggled like a school girl! Superb as always can not wait for the next chapter! (Even if it's a year lol)
anime-addict-fan chapter 30 . 8/2/2019
Ah I missed this so much! It was worth the wait and can't help but desire more! Please do continue! I love this
Izumi.Takahashi-279 chapter 30 . 8/2/2019
I missed this story, I was like what will happen next? It was eating at me for a while and I thought about it again a few days ago lol, thank you so much for continuing this story. I love Mai and Masako's friendship btw and I'm glad they both admitted their feelings about Yasu and Naru.
FallenRaindrops chapter 29 . 5/8/2019
Heyo just wanted to drop a review saying I love what you've written so far and hope you haven't dropped this fic! I've been away from the GH fandom for a while but recently fell back down this rabbit hole and it's quite quiet. Whether or not you do continue, I just wanna say I've come to really like Regency AUs (after reading both yours and others') so well done!
bluemystique chapter 29 . 4/7/2019
Oh please please please please say you’re still writing this story and you haven’t abandoned it T.T it’s the most beautiful regency era AU I’ve ever read please continue it! Your characterisation and your ability to draw a reader into the events unfolding - I actually forgot this was a ghost hunt AU - the characters were all so believeable for a regency AU absolutely in love 3 please update soon I don’t think my heart can take the suspense! 3
Samantha-Girl Scout chapter 29 . 7/9/2018
So I vaugly remember you updating, but then I forgot until I saw it in my favorites! So sorry for the late read. But oh man. That line. Breaks my heart so much. T.T
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