Reviews for After All These Years
Raging Raion chapter 5 . 11/7/2016
I like how the story was short, informative, realistic, and written with emotion. It's the kind of story that makes me feel like it's a live action movie playing and those kinds of stories are the best in my opinion. I'm sad it's over but also glad to see how you concluded the adventure. Your portrayal of all the chsrextees was wonderful. Not that in character or out or character bothers me I'm just simply saying you did a awesome job at keeping them in character as they were from the game. Thank you so much for your time and putting in work to write this story! I kinda selfishly hope you'll write another Tomb Raider and if not oh well you have other stories waiting for me to read!
Raging Raion chapter 4 . 5/6/2016
I liked this chapter simply because of how Lara reacted to seeing Sam right there towards the end. That and my theory was correct I figured Lara wasn't "dead" but off stopping whoever tried to kill her and wouldn't know if it's Nata. I know very little if Natla but I know enough about her through research. She's not nice, looking toward to see how Lara is going to deal with that...that pesticide problem.
Raging Raion chapter 3 . 5/6/2016
My Lara is crippled and kept in touch through email. Your Lara straight up went rouge and just cut everyone away. I kinda like that wanna know why? Because Lara is depicted as someone who makes good friendships and is a loyal friend until life gets in the way but your Lara is different I like reading stories that put her in such lights because it's usually not expected then I like to see how you as the author move the main protagonist. I really do enjoy this story!
TR Kurtis Trent chapter 5 . 5/3/2016
Wow that was a great chapter I like how Sam's Anger just came out and how Lara tells her that's she is sorry about everything... The ending is also good

Great job :)
TR Kurtis Trent chapter 4 . 4/27/2016
I love it, like how Sam and Winston met before and the back story bout her going with Lara to the manor for Christmas great work..

I like the ending... waiting for next chapter :)
Raging Raion chapter 2 . 4/26/2016
10 years yet she still calls her friend after silence. That's balls on Sam's part. I have friends who do me like that but still think we're cool after silence and doing nothing they are my friends yes but dead to me at the same time. Sam has more tolerance and steel than I. I really liked reading this chapter. Something about how you explained everyone's relationship to Lara as time passed. Looking forward to the next read. :)
Raging Raion chapter 1 . 4/23/2016
Love the suspense you created, leaving the reader to wonder what happened. Your writing style is easy to flow with and makes me feel like I'm seeing it like a movie. These kinds of writing styles I do better with where I am a visual audio learner. Awesome job on this first chapter!
TR Kurtis Trent chapter 3 . 4/20/2016
I like the memory of how Lara and Sam met...great work and the ending of this chapter is great

Waiting for next chapter
TR Kurtis Trent chapter 2 . 4/20/2016
Loving it so far... Great work on how Sam tells the story of what lara's life was
TR Kurtis Trent chapter 1 . 4/20/2016
Great start with this story...i like the idea of what her friends thought of the manor blowing up