Reviews for Drunken Confession
QuaggaTheMighty chapter 1 . 4/11/2017
So precious! Gah I wish there was more.
The Animanga Girl chapter 1 . 8/7/2016
And so Cullen remained as red as the red lyrium for the next week...
Shield-Maiden-of-Sherwood chapter 1 . 6/20/2016
While I normally don't read other fanfiction, especially when writing a story with similar characters ( I don't want to subconsciously copy anybody's story), I will admit I really enjoyed reading this! It's really well done and I found myself giggling up a storm imagining a drunken Cullen. lol He reminds me a bit of Alistair.
Also I really like the little details like the berries,the Qunari's language, and how spot on many of the characters were. Getting certain distinct characters correctly can be tough and I think you did wonderfully! Did you have to do any research before writing this?
Overall, I found this very enjoyable and would like to thank you for writing it!
Have a great day!
4gnez chapter 1 . 4/15/2016
Great one-shot! I really liked it! Would like if there would be a sequel. :)