Reviews for Forgotten Tales of Middle-earth: A Change of Fortunes
SuperWhoVenger214 chapter 82 . 7/6
OMG...I've been binging this one as much as possible and I'm both thrilled and sad I'm at the end of available chapters! This is such a freaking amazing, thoroughly unique story! What a load of crap is Hagan! I am absolutely LOVING Dis and I am looking forward to the day I find out what happens next! Great job!
SuperWhoVenger214 chapter 46 . 7/2
Uh-oh...I think Thorin might have let the cat out of the bag with that last laugh! Can't wait to see what happens next. Surely, he'll tell them who he really is? Fili and Melinde are so sweet together. The townspeople won't know what hit them when the dwarves of Erebor take up her defense!
Jessa chapter 16 . 5/4
The originality here is nothing like I've seen before! This is one of the few stories out there where I'm actually excited to read it. Most of the time I read books I've purchased and this reads just as professional as those. I can't wait for these guys to meet their matches!
Jessa chapter 7 . 4/23
This story is super emotional! I can't wait to read more.
Rohirrim Girl 2187 chapter 82 . 4/21
My favorite GoT character and quote!
djhay4 chapter 82 . 4/12
Oh, we've waited so long for this confrontation! Hagen is such a slimy snake. I cannot wait to see him die, finally, at Thorin's sword... or whatever wonderful plan you may have! This is such an amazing story and I will always wait as long as you need to post your chapters! Happy Easter by the way!
Hannah chapter 82 . 4/10
This is a really lovely story! So original and different from anything else I've read here. I'm looking forward to more and especially Kili getting his own one.
Sparky She-Demon chapter 82 . 4/9
I love the Sansa maneuver! Not surprised that Hagen is trying to weasel his way out of this!

Looking forward to seeing him get his a$$ kicked by Thorin.
readergirl4985 chapter 82 . 4/9
Happy Birthday to me! Great chapter! I look forward to the next and hope your muse inspires you thoroughly!
Celebrisilweth chapter 82 . 4/9
Not exactly the outcome I expected from Dis's plan. No doubt Thorin is the better warrior, but Hagen is likely to cheat.
ValarenOfGondor chapter 82 . 4/9
I am glad to see another chapter :) Glad Rejna apologized and now everyone is united again. And Dis has a plan :)
I loved seeing Hagen getting called out on his crimes. I don't know how Thorin and the rest held their anger for as long as they did. It would have been interesting to see what the wolf would have done to Hagen, but it was probably best that they didn't. I am glad to see Hagen's wife called him out and is over him now. Hope she leaves him! And yes, Hagen is not worth her sword. So now he has challenged Thorin to a fight. I hope that was part of the plan and Thorin will finally defeat him and we will finally be rid of Hagen!
Can't wait to see what happens next!
MissCallaLilly chapter 82 . 4/8
WOW...that was certainly worth the wait...
Robinbird79 chapter 82 . 4/8
I hope they string him up like the sniveling coward he is. I’d love it if Mahal did something right now to help bring Hagen down. And I hope he knows who Thorin truly is before they kill him. But there’s still the issue of Mordor, isn’t there?
Celebrisilweth chapter 81 . 3/14
So glad for an update. Almost a year really? So sorry for all that's gone on in your life; hope things are better now and you can continue the fic. Glad that Rejna has seen the light and embarked on an apology tour, especially since it seems to have helped Dis formalize a plan.
Nenithiel chapter 81 . 3/8
Yay! Nice little meeting between RejnaDís. Can't wait to see what Kíli has been up to.
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