Reviews for Expect the Unexpected
Skull1412 chapter 1 . 3/17/2017
So cute!
AriRina chapter 1 . 2/21/2017
Short and sweet, I loved it
Guest chapter 1 . 6/2/2016
*giggles and coos*
They're adorable. Adorable little dorks and I love 'em. I also love Kaito's dream blurb about their wedding! XD
LiquidCrystal chapter 1 . 5/25/2016
This was so cute!
Love the steady way their reliationship progressed
kihyuniverse chapter 1 . 5/15/2016
Hakuba's a cutie. Is there a chance that he's into Kaito ? lol. I'm just probably misinterpreting things..
moookei chapter 1 . 4/6/2016
Love the transition between friends to lovers honestly. Good work, looking forward to your future works as usual~ Thanks for all the adorableness you give us shinkai fans!
Shana-Fujioka chapter 1 . 4/4/2016
Well... I'm not sure what to say. This one shot made me smile but that was it. The confession (if you can call it that) was pretty anticlimactic imo and so was the conversation about tying the knot. I mean they started dating more because it was convenient and nice instead of having fallen in love... it felt like that to me at least. And they're already thinking of marrying after a few weeks of dating? That's way too soon!
Anyway, nice story and nice concept, which made me smile, but it didn't enthrall me (if that's the right word...).
Opal Spirit chapter 1 . 4/4/2016
Ah, that was a cute story :3 I liked it!I like how everything goes smoothly between them and all :3 maybe the time lapses were a bit too wide; but I don't actually mind, so... :3