Reviews for A Different Rebellion
PurpleNightwing chapter 13 . 6/27
This story was amazing.
Guest chapter 6 . 3/10
It’s like Luke hasn’t even thought about how he’s going to get close enough to sidious to fight him.
Guest chapter 2 . 3/10
Is Darth maw a gungen?
Order66WithFries chapter 6 . 9/8/2019
... no words can describe the confusion at this point...

Just, how did Luke of all people (believe me I have NOTHING against Luke) kill the emperor? Isn’t he like 14? (I got lost with all the time skips)
Order66WithFries chapter 2 . 9/8/2019
No more talk of darkness
Don’t put bad time skips
Just don’t no one will harm you
It will warm you calm you

Let me be your freedom
Don’t do these time skips
It will be right there beside you
To harm you and to hurt you

Say you won’t do any more time skips
Turn our heads with talk of regular time
Say you won’t do it now and always
Promise me that you won’t do time skips
That’s all I ask of you.

(all i ask of you belongs to Andrew-Lloyd-Webber not me)
Order66WithFries chapter 1 . 9/8/2019
ThunderSphinx chapter 6 . 1/8/2017
WTF? LUKE KILLED THE EMPEROR!? Impossible! He is just a CHILD! BESIDES! Anakin Skywalker is the the CHOSEN ONE! ONLY HE can defeat Darth Sideous. OMG SMH
CatBludger3903 chapter 13 . 4/19/2016
Humph, romance. *rolls eyes
CatBludger3903 chapter 12 . 4/19/2016
Awwwwwwwww,I don't want Ahsoka to be isn't good enough for she is waaaaay to cool to be married( She should have punched him at Dex's)...
Sorry. I just hate romance... :P
david.davies.5851 chapter 13 . 4/19/2016
Nice ending. It's good to see everything work out.
jesse chapter 12 . 4/17/2016
this was amazing, great work
david.davies.5851 chapter 12 . 4/17/2016
It's nice to see Ahsoka getting engaged although another war is bad.
david.davies.5851 chapter 11 . 4/16/2016
Hmm Hopefully Luke's situation will improve when Ahsoka gets there.
Michael chapter 10 . 4/16/2016
This is a great chapter and I'm happy and glad that Obi-Wan and Satine reunited, it a wonderful chapter too, keep up the good work!
david.davies.5851 chapter 10 . 4/16/2016
Ah, nice one Obi-Wan. Maul is finally dead and Satine is still around.
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