Reviews for Just One Angel: A New York Christmas Carol
angie chapter 6 . 10/26/2016
NovaCalla chapter 6 . 6/29/2016
Very cute! I loved the happy resolution!
Guest chapter 6 . 5/11/2016
I'm crying!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/11/2016
This is extremely well written!
Famaniel chapter 6 . 5/8/2016
What a heartwarming ending. It's christmas spirit in spring. ;-)
Guest chapter 3 . 4/15/2016
Wow, I felt sorry fot T. C wasn't this bi-polar even w/her fight w/H. She warned H it would be ugly and they are not ugly if they go to court. I guessed she decided to show that side to T at home. C was so in control with her last offer w/H in the movie, is she OOC in this story? Just wondering because what happen to R was under her term eventhough she didn't get the custody of R. It seem her term work out better for her since she still see her daughter & get to work on her relationship w/T without dividing her attention between the two. A C&Tfan.
CeciliaCrescent chapter 3 . 4/15/2016
A bit of conflict and hurt is always good because it makes what follows after so much better. Keep it up!

And I just have to mention, the line that Therese says about what He says is very much out of place in my opinion, because although Therese came from a semi-religious school and Sister Alicia managed to leave a very deep impression on her, she never came across as very religious at all in my opinion. You are, however, free to do whatever you like since it is your story.

I will be eagerly awaiting the next updates.
Guest chapter 2 . 4/15/2016
Love it chapter 2 . 4/15/2016
I love this, it's great! Please keep going :)
Have you thought about posting this on Archive of Our Own? The Carol fanfic community is bigger there and you may get a bigger response from that site :)
Really hope you continue with this!
Kittykam99 chapter 2 . 4/8/2016
Yes! Great story, and writing.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/2/2016
Is Therese going to have to go through Carol withdrawing from her again? Its not fair & there's no road trip to fall back on.