Reviews for Resistance
Mel chapter 6 . 9/22/2016
Wow What a steamy ending to the chapter I can't wait for the next update please do so asap please
Guest chapter 1 . 6/25/2016
please do a Sequel for this story.
Guest chapter 6 . 6/25/2016
was this the last chapter if not please updated this story again.
Guest chapter 6 . 6/23/2016
Guest chapter 6 . 6/9/2016
I hope this story is a long one because I love reading this story it so great :) :)
AttitudeEraChick chapter 6 . 6/9/2016
HAHAHA at Vince just THROWING Paul at Steph based on these pictures. Damn Vince, just pay for a real wedding already then! Haha at the comments about being creepy by bringing pizza to her room. Hahaha at Paul having to flirt with the girl at the desk. I wonder if Steph secretly wishes those moves were put on her. The comment about the cheat day was funny. I still see him possibly making sure it was the most low calorie cheat ever, with veggies, and wheat crust. :) Nice job at bringing true stories in their backstory. No pressure at all Paul. It's not like there's a book on "How to date your spouse" for dummies.

Steph, shutup! You're gorgeous. "She wasn't half expecting him to beat her up." HAHAHA, Steph, stop it! Well, that's a hell of a way to get to know each other better. Good job Vince! ;) I'm glad they went forward with it and weren't too distracted by Daniel, or anyone at the company. They took care of each other and it was nice.
levesque fan forever chapter 6 . 6/8/2016
Guest chapter 6 . 6/7/2016
at first I really thought Stephanie was having sex with Daniel at first that would have be so awkward if it was him good chapter :) :) :)
Rainbowflower333 chapter 6 . 6/8/2016
Awesome! I love it! Paul is so gentle*speechless* Oh my God I loooove this hotel scene! Can't wait for more*heart*
AFantasyWorld chapter 6 . 6/8/2016
WOAH ! I didn't not expect any of this in this chapter but I'm glad everything happened !

"Sooner she could get to bed BUT THAT WOULD BE ALONE" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I LOVE IT ! Best line of the story ! Man Shane can feel something coming up in the future LOL !

Man Paul be flirting with everybody ! Lol come on now mate get a break LOL !

Man they work fast ...

Really liked this chapter. So either now all hell is gonna break lose or, well yeah that's the only option right ? Lol.

anitra.mason1 chapter 6 . 6/7/2016
Amazing chapter can't wait for another update
AshleyAlonso03 chapter 6 . 6/7/2016
Omg I loved this chapter, so glad they finally had a date I guess you can say it was a date even though they didn't plan on it but it was great.
donthaveausername chapter 6 . 6/7/2016
Wow, awesome chapter. Love their chemistry:-)
Guest chapter 6 . 6/7/2016
I love love love this! So unexpected but I really enjoyed this, they have amazing chemisrry
AttitudeEraChick chapter 5 . 6/4/2016
LOL at Shane trying to break the ice with humor. Okay, I get that the rest of the family is supposed to be shocked by the marriage. That's fine. But if Paul is a new talent, what is the plan for him? Surely they don't want him to be some random dude, right? What are they going to do to make him important? LOL at the awkwardness of them pretending to have never met each other. Really Vince? You expect them to share their entire life story with one another over a photo shoot? Who "gets to know each other" that way? Well look at it this way Steph, if he can save you for real, the least you can do is pretend to be his wife. :)

"Basically, you'll be slightly slutty..." Hell of a conversation for a father to have with his daughter. Hahahaha. "But not tits and ass hanging out kind of slutty." Hahaha. What does that even mean? :D I wasn't aware there were multiple dimensions to being slutty. Yeah, Steph the wardrobe is a legitimate concern for you. They think it's about your image, but it's really about your physical condition. Aww, LOL at her showing sympathy for him being thrown together with her and her father. :)

Steph, he saved you twice. He knows what you've gone through. So why would he squeeze your ribs? :( No lip biting as in he doesn't want her biting his lip? Or no lip biting as in he doesn't want her biting her own? Ahh, the second one. This makes me think about him biting her lip after he beat Kurt at Unforgiven 2000. The whole time I'm wondering why either of them haven't said, "How can we act like a newly wed couple, if neither of us are married?" Ahh, there they go.

Shut up Vince! This is more than incredibly awkward for them. The directions they're taking and her family watching. Oh, so he doesn't know the extent of her injuries? I thought he saw them an encouraged her to get checked out. I really do enjoy how sweet he is being with her, from talking her through contemplations, being patient, going slow with everything. LOL at her checking him out without realizing it. Well girl, you're certainly going to make the most about being in this position. :)

No Steph, stop with the painkillers. Take a moment and talk to Paul in private. No Paul. It's nothing you said. Go talk to her. Shane, quick playing detective and let your sis live her life. LOL :P
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