Reviews for Lessons From the Heart
Hillevi chapter 2 . 1/9/2017
Mrs Hughes is not a favorite of mine, but in this your story I can very much understand she is Carsons. And it is not always easy to like the one that has such a big part of your loved ones heart.
Hillevi chapter 1 . 1/9/2017
Lady Mary' other father, the more understanding one, comes to the rescue!
lemacd chapter 2 . 4/4/2016
This had to be done. More and more I love your love of Carson's love for Mary. Not everyone will get it, and as much as Elsie probably tries, I'm not sure she does entirely. But she knows it is part of him, like his deep voice or thick eyebrows... or the very heart that she knows beats for her. She more than accepts it, she knows it's all part of what makes her love him. That little moment when he acknowledges that his marriage has brought him a new level of "pure love", one that eclipses the love for Mary.

He's not being snowed by Mary, not at all. He's angry, he's disappointed but that's because he knows she is better than this tendency to lash out at Edith. As much as she is struggling to say she is sorry, he can still hear self-preservation in her voice and tears. He isn't blind to what Lady Mary is about. Quite the opposite, really, he knows her better than she might even know herself. But his love for her is such that he would never want to add to her sorrow, pain or humiliation.

This chapter was about Elsie, wasn't it? And yet I am pretty sure I've said all I can about her in this matter. I think you nailed the nuances of her character, the teasing, the provoking... saying what he would rather hear than what she probably really wants to say. She'll never come around on the matter of the blessed lady mary, but she would never belittle his love for the woman.
Mistressdickens chapter 2 . 4/4/2016
Thank you for the added perspective of Elsie, even though she does little to break through Carson's rose tinted view. It's so interesting that even when Mary has stumbled in his eyes, he still persists in seeing the good, in trying to protect her from full criticism. That he recognises that she has deceived herself, if not that he also has been deceived, is progress. But he's still blinkered.

What is lovely, though, is his comparison of his feelings. His knowledge that his love for Elsie is on another level to his love for Mary. I think it's very true to Elsie's character that she didn't make a big production of thanking him for his praise, just let's it rest.
Guest chapter 2 . 4/3/2016
Needed the addition of Elsie and her opinion about Lady Mary. She sees Lady Mary much more realistically then Carson - Mary did trample Edith into the ground at that breakfast and she DID NOT apologize to Edith for doing it.

When Violet returned at Tom's request and told Mary to 1st "make peace with her sister", it was Edith returning for Mary's wedding that was the extension of the olive branch. Michelle Dockery in a PBS Podcast interview admitted (in viewing Edith's return) that Edith who was the adult in the room in that scene and the stronger of the 2 sisters.

Carson may have a special relationship with Mary and be good at consoling her BUT he is also a BIG ENABLER for Mary's behavior.
Teresagreen chapter 2 . 4/3/2016
You write Charles and Elsie together so well Here, Charles can and does debrief his rather distressing, for him, meeting with Lady Mary, earlier in the day, about her treatment of Lady Edith, with a receptive Elsie. It is good for him to be able to do this now, even though Elsie sometimes challenges his thoughts and opinions about Lady Mary, and even teases him a little. But we get the idea that Charles opens up about his feelings to Elsie like he would to no- one else. That has to be good for him. And she is so trustworthy, accepting of him, even when she disagrees with his indulgence with Lady Mary, and supportive of his emotional vulnerability towards her.
I agree with you that Charles needed Lady Mary's love when he was much younger and had rejected , at that time, adult romantic love for himself. It is good that he now realises he has so much more in his love and marriage with Elsie.
suzie chapter 2 . 4/2/2016
You and Carson, Edward! Don't know what it is you see in her. But have to say, you nailed the Carsons here. Fave part- Carson comparing paternal to marital love - and Elsie is #1. Would have been nice to have seen a scene like that. We in the audience know that's true-Carson and Mrs. Hughes are a classic pair-but it would be nice to have seen it reinforced.
Also you showed, that as much as Elsie makes her remarks about Mary (who wouldn't?), Elsie doesn't hold grudges, and is sympathetic to her husband's distress.
Guest chapter 2 . 4/2/2016
Good old Mrs. Hughes — the only skeptic in a sea of idolators. The show could have used more of that.
ozzlover chapter 2 . 4/3/2016
Adorable! They killed me with cute and feels
ozzlover chapter 1 . 4/3/2016
Yeees! Omg I loved it !
Carita X chapter 2 . 4/3/2016
You make a good case for Carson and of course have every right to do so.

Still, I believe that Carson bears a part of responsibility for Mary's character for his constant flattery has strengthened her belief on her own superiority and her right to have "all".

By criticizing Mary Tom really loved her best for he wanted her to grow up. Carson's method has kept Mary as a spoiled child.
imnotokaywiththerunning chapter 2 . 4/2/2016
I liked how you continued this adding Elsie's thought too. I especially like how you showed Carson taking Mary's troubles on himself. He really is too good for Mary at times but I love their relationship all the same. His admittance that he loves Mary to Elsie made me smile. Go dad/Carson! Excellent!
suzie chapter 1 . 3/31/2016
One more thing after reading the reviews.. the thing about Carson, as a guest reviewer noted... once he supports you, he's all in. It reminds me of what he said to Mrs. Hughes about his desire for her..."I've never been so sure of anything." Totally believable, and quite romantic.
Yes, Carson's not perfect, we all know. He's got blinders on when it comes to Mary.. sometimes it can be laughable.
And last thing.. 3 loves of his life.. Mrs. Hughes, Lady Mary, and... of course, Downton Abbey the house itself.
suzie chapter 1 . 3/31/2016
Wow. This "scene" could -and should-have been inserted into the last episode. Exactly what you'd expect from Carson the "Dad." Hug her and love her-but not let her off the hook. He throws it back on her- letting her know she must go above and beyond a simple apology. Superb writing. Liked the "Black and Tan" aside!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/31/2016
This perfectly matches how Carson and Mary's relationship is depicted in the show, you get Mary's self-pity just right, and I have to give you kudos for producing something that so sounds like it could have been canon. Still, I'm glad it didn't happen this way. The last thing anyone would have wanted was to see Mary forgiven after shattering Edith's hopes the way she did.

Oh, and the other guest reviewer was right: Mary didn't apologize in Edith's bedroom. I wasn't sure if you were suggesting that Mary actually *thought* the words she was saying amounted to an apology or if it was just a slipup.
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