Reviews for Let Sleeping Enforcers Lie
Dana Medriquelis chapter 6 . 12/17/2019
So good! Thank you for that!
Fishies2 chapter 1 . 5/30/2018
ButtButtDoodle chapter 4 . 8/11/2017
Good read! Thanks so much for posting this. It was a bit awkward to read at times, since some sentences randomly trailed off or were left unfinished (Example: the book store chapter, where Kou says something, which is quickly followed by "Taking the heavy bags." As opposed to the piece of dialogue and then " The enforcer/Kougami asked Akane as he took the heavy bags from her hands".) Its preference in writing style of course but you did it several times and without addressing who is the speaker in the first place it is even harder to determine who is commiting the action. Hope that helps!
Elanor25 chapter 6 . 8/1/2017
I loved it! Thank you so much. Akane and Shinya are meant to be together. You written this beautifuly on this fic.
WyseInk chapter 6 . 6/21/2017
"Whatever came next, she still, albeit naively, trusts him." Oh, if that doesn't sum up so much of it. Yet in some ways we might say the same of him. This is such a solid line.

I'm glad to see this fic progressing in this way. You're really reining it in in a brilliant way, and I can't wait to read more!

P.S., this is my new FF account I was talking about on Tumblr last night. Glad to see your name's the same on here, too!
roseimagine chapter 6 . 5/1/2017
Yay, another chapter! And what a chapter this was!
The long awaited reunion (which took place ran smack in the middle of movie, they totally stretched Kougami's reappearance).
This is the way it should have happened, I honestly gasped out loud when he threw her to the floor and shielded her with his entire form, I was like HE CARES *insert sob*. Their way of interacting just screams love but alas I guess we have to wait a little longer. Like Kou said he will find a way back for her! :D
Another great chapter and as always looking forward to the next one!
ca.e.lia chapter 5 . 3/6/2017
I just finished the anime for the second time yesterday, and probably cried an entire river of tears for those characters who made me feel so much, for Akane and everything she tried to save Kougami, for this end i wished different – for this happy ending they'll never have. After that, i though about finding some happy ending in fanfictions as i usually do after a story breaks my heart. No need to say i didn't find my happy ending here, i found more. I read it all and cried again, heart broken for those too as much as amazed by the delicate writing and immersion into the characters you offered me. Then, a day after, i'm back to read it another time. I didn't cry, but i smiled a lot. Thanks for that, even if your little stories still breaks my heart it also helps keeping them alive in my head. You're wonderful.

(Sorry if my english is bad, i'm french and it's 5AM on a school night. I just wanted to thank you for that.)
Anna chapter 5 . 2/25/2017
This is too beautiful!
roseimagine chapter 5 . 2/24/2017
Oh nooooo! My feelings have been crushed into pieces but I have the ray of hope they'll see each other soon (insert the movie next.) It's true, Akane assumed so much responsibility after Ginoza became an enforcer not to mention she pretty much got a new team.
I was not expecting Sho to have taken over Ko's room and when I realised it and Akane's reaction was so sad. Then we have Shinya and all his ordeals but he still misses his girl. I like that you made him a sleep talker, I'm sure everyone in camp wonders who this Akane was (I thought Sem would have known since he was closest to Kougami).
Great work and I'm waiting for the next chapter!
CrystalHeart27 chapter 5 . 2/23/2017
roseimagine chapter 4 . 1/8/2017
Oh my, this hit me right in the feels.
I was so happy to see that you updated but you left me with the saddest chapter to this point. I admit I screamed with Akane when Kougami left to hunt down Makishima, there was no one on earth who could shift Kou's ultimatum. oh well...
I very much enjoyed the subtlety in which this chapter was depicted. Can't wait for the next one! :D
Raven Bishop chapter 4 . 1/6/2017
Why... Why do you hurt me this way...
BendAndCurl chapter 3 . 1/1/2017
Okay I love a slow burn and also I love people fighting their feelings. This was so good. And "You can call me Kou, Akane" ! :O :O so. cute? you're making me like, really want more fluffy angsty blushy scenes of these two HELP
BendAndCurl chapter 1 . 1/1/2017
Aaaaaaaah the last line killed me... I love everyone's characterization in this, too. Poor Akane & co. They probably DO have to take their naps when they can get em!
CrystalHeart27 chapter 3 . 10/30/2016
Watching Bungo Stray Dogs reminded me of Psycho Pass, so i dropped by the fandom for old times sakes. I love this fic! Needed this bit of sweetness to remind me of how things were befo re it all went to hell.
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