Reviews for Surrounded by Spirits
AngelYoukai1631 chapter 1 . 8/14
My God!
I'm cry here as I'm reading this
It's so touching that you'd have to be heartless not to cry
BV0627 chapter 1 . 6/4
Love this story hope to read more
sixx8seven chapter 1 . 11/25/2019
at least they end up in love by the future chapters
BV0627 chapter 8 . 10/9/2019
Love this story ️ can't wait to read more hope you update whenever you can
Guest chapter 8 . 6/3/2019
Please update this story
Guest chapter 8 . 5/19/2019
Update soon
Sayrin chapter 8 . 5/7/2019
Are you still considering an update for this? Obviously when you get time though :) it's really interesting and I'm ready for KenLu smut!
RyuketsuKira chapter 8 . 4/23/2019
So maybe you should do it as a lead up from maybe another drinking contest that Lucy got dragged into with Kenpachi. Like they verse Rangiku and someone in a drinking game and during the game, music comes on and Lucy starts dancing with Yumichika (Honestly I love them together. So was shipping the two since first chapter) but Kenpachi is like 'This isn't happening. Let's get out.' etc. Once he has her at his place again (You could probably add in another scene of her actually facing Mayori Kurotsuchi). You could add in them finally fully noticing each other and catching each other's stares either one of them having a shower or one of them laying in the bed looking heccing good. Can be either honestly and it goes on from there.
Lteklea chapter 8 . 4/14/2019
What about if Kenpachi sees someone else from his division flirt with Lucy and gets jealous, proceeds to hook up with another person, Lucy gets jealous, then they confess into the wonderfully steamy world of smut?
Daisy Blaze chapter 8 . 3/30/2019
Hey! Its been a year now,and I really miss this book. And I'm really looking forward to the smut
Shunakoo25 chapter 8 . 3/27/2019
Please update soon
Devil.Queen.145 chapter 8 . 3/11/2019
When will you be updating?
NikiOPA chapter 8 . 11/27/2018
I love this story so much, I hope you continue it! Bleach is my husband's favorite anime and Fairy Tail is mine! He even tried to convince me to name our child Zaraki. We really enjoy reading this story together and guessing where it is going to go next!
chaosmoon75 chapter 3 . 11/16/2018
That ending was hilarious. It wouldn't have been surprising if he had just beat her, or left her where she first fell lol.
BluePythanGirl chapter 8 . 11/12/2018
Such an amazing chapter, I can't wait to see what happens next
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