Reviews for The Cursed Uzumaki
Tengoku no Kotei chapter 1 . 8/26/2019
NazgulBelserion chapter 7 . 7/10/2019
This I'll be honest is bad story I don't mind you not showing Naruto at all but you made him a true loser if would be better if you made him a realist he has no motivation cause he knows he was born to fail and he will always be alone your Naruto is a little kid crying how noone gives him candy I don't like him I prefer canon ruto over yours thought I also dislike canon should of made him just not try and make him dead inside would be better then emo
Guest chapter 7 . 6/13/2019
It a shame you ditched the story, it finally became interesting.
invoker26 chapter 1 . 5/6/2019
Lol.. Im laughing read Jack review.. Maybe the author want to make new story and then when Boruto series is over he will again ask for new story on the new story.. Lol
haywireseagull chapter 7 . 4/13/2019
do both?
JaCk-o'-LaNtErN 91 chapter 7 . 4/13/2019
i personally enjoy this story the way it is and if its heading that way then why bother to write a new story. the thing is friend that it wont matter if you start a new story since you update sporadically i mean its been three yrs you still have not broken past the 30k words for these story.
i get that you have a life(we all do) but why bother asking us for our opinion when it is likely that the same thing will happen to this new story.
Any way regardless of what you choose i wish you the best of luck
DARK CARD chapter 7 . 4/12/2019
Do what you feel is best hombre. Write the new story
Guest chapter 7 . 4/12/2019
I do not care if you rewrite it or make a new one while Kushina is in the Naruto Harem do what you want.
Guest chapter 7 . 4/12/2019
Do what you want. But it would be nice to see this one continue.
1995hzq chapter 7 . 4/12/2019
Going with No. 2. Naruto in this story is pathetic. Hope your new story is better.
daspeedforce chapter 7 . 4/12/2019
Write a new story but don't make Naruto so pathetically weak. Even in Part One he wasn't this pathetic. The new personality should automatically make him stronger or at least far more skilled as his canon personality is what actually made him weak(all plot reasons aside).

Remember, day one Naruto smashed a skilled Chunin but this Naruto is even weaker than he was against Mizuki which is an insult to yourself, the character, fans of the series, your readers and Kishimoto himself. Tenten? Naw even Pre chunin exam Naruto is superior to Tenten. Multi shadow clone is extremely overpowered in Naruto's hands more than anyone else in the village as no one else has his chakra capacity to use it like him. Weakened chakra sealed beat Kiba for christ sakes.
thor94 chapter 7 . 4/12/2019
Option 1, maybe 2.
The naruto in this story is too much a pathetic lost cause to be saved (i can say, it is likely the worst naruto as main character i ever seen since i started to read narutoverse fictions 6 years ago) without you to use unreallistic instant kami godlike power-up.
Means the bloodlines, intelligence, jutsu knowledges, perfect healthy body, and years of intense training on 4th war sasuke level given to naruto and all fully mastered in less than a day (like on sunday morning, naruto is the pathetic barely above academy level shinobi currently despicted in your fic ch.6, and on the following monday, jump to S rank kage level able to kick akatsuki asses by himself ALONE.
DxGRAYxMAN chapter 7 . 4/12/2019
I say option 2 wrap this story up ie two or 3 chapters then move on
gunzen chapter 7 . 4/12/2019
Third option. You've already come this far. It will only take one or two chapters to get to the "meat" of the story. Don't allow people to invalidate the hard work you put into writing this. Don't allow people to sway yourself into invalidating your very own is your story. Write it the way you want it to be written.

Please let Naruto have a lemon scene with tenten before he leaves konoha. I think, there's an emotional connection? Tenten getting curious of Naruto's, 'you won fair and square, no hard feelings", attitude; and maybe Naruto was really pissed off about losing so he will perform, "angry, pelvic slapping, sex", with Tenten. Of course, this would be a, "wow, what a ride thing" for her. Something like tenten misinterpreting naruto's motive for the rough sex.

Unless you have other plans? Maybe kushina will take his virginity?

Anyway, enough of my depravity. This is your story. Don't listen to fools who haven't even written their own stories.
GodEmporer chapter 7 . 4/12/2019
#3 please
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