Reviews for Ain't No Thing Like Me
Guest chapter 7 . 8/16
I like how this is going.
Please keep writing,
gordhanx chapter 7 . 8/15
Let's see where things go from here. They're finally coming clean to Bogo about what they've found, and fortunately he's mostly cool about it all. He's understandably hesitant & unsure of the duo's work, but it's a big improvement, from how he used to address them. That's good…unless Bogp, has something else planned. Something devious…

Judy meanwhile returns home, and has a sweet little reunion with her parents, even it it's under poor circumstances. Judy's investigation of her room, was a nice way to learn a bit more about June, despite how little we've seen of her. Most notably that she's both a lesbian and an environmentalist. Nice move. And we're even introduced to her girlfriend April (I see what you did there XD ). And how she was protesting against BioPharma. It's seems we have our culprit. Especially, with their supposed shady dealings. With the sheriff under their pocket, it's up to Judy to investigate them on her own. Until she's joined by Jackson! We're getting a Judy/Jackson chapter. Now this, should be fun.
MarvelFan chapter 6 . 7/9
Wow, this a pretty good chapter you've made, will HitMonkey from marvel comic be in it?
kerrowe chapter 2 . 5/25
Like the writing.
And here's where the crossover begins.
erica.phoenix16 chapter 6 . 4/23
Thanks for updating. :)
Gxuniverse1 chapter 6 . 4/9
I bet June and Groot will have a “Hogarth and Iron giant” style friendship
Guest chapter 6 . 3/25
Wow! I thought we were gonna erase the sci-fi aspects of Guardians of the Galaxy in making Rocket a normal raccoon instead of what he is, but now we've got Groot in the story? I'm eager to see where this is going.
Please keep writing,
Guest chapter 6 . 3/23
Hahahahaha... “I am Groot”. Oh man can’t wait to read more!
gordhanx chapter 6 . 3/23
Looks like, we're taking a break from the case for a bit. Fair enough. Gives us some more time, to explore Judy & Wilde's new life together. It's still very sweet and cute, with them eating together and talking about the case. I especially liked, seeing Judy talking about the case, and how she's not very comfortable, with all the shady business they have to do, just to get a lead. It feels very in tune for her. Things get a bit awkward though, when they decide to talk about Judy's ex. It was great, to finally learn a bit about the guy, his history with Judy and why they broke up in the first place. Plus, it was cool seeing you use the deleted character of Jack O'Hare for this. Nice thinking on your end. Even if it does, ruin Nick's former confidence in asking Judy out. To make matters worse, Judy gets a call from her mom, saying that her sister, has gone missing!

As it turns out, June is on the run from some very unsavory people, working for Pyko. Including one Head of Security, who happens to be ex-military. Oh man. Is it, who we think it is? The fact, that his specious and appearance are being kept secret, only makes it more suspicious. Luckily though, June's able to escape, and return to her current partner in crime. Groot! OH SHIT, HE'S IN HERE?! I was honestly not sure, if we were even going to get him! Really curious to know, how you made him fit, into the Zootopia Universe.

Anyway, good stuff man.
warlocktoungue chapter 6 . 3/23
for a momente there I thought you would introduce Groot as a baby instead of the adorable adult version, but it's great that you finally include him in the story nevertheless!
thank you so much pal!
now I'm quite curious on how June came to know Groot and what were the mammals in the lab doing to him to make her decide to free him...
and who may be this mysterious head of security?... questions questions...
Mazamba chapter 6 . 3/23
Ok, so now we have both Groot and O'Hare. Groot's surprising. Not sure how that would happen with an Earth-equivalent technological level like Zootopia's. Is he an alien in this one too?

I was honestly expecting Rocket to be from Marvel rather than an in-universe revamp, but I'm not complaining. From an external standpoint, Rocket suddenly being an alien would probably seem like a weird plot twist.
erica.phoenix16 chapter 5 . 3/10
Thanks for updating. :)
Del21 chapter 5 . 3/7
Great chapter and great characters!
Mazamba chapter 5 . 2/20
Now BeBop, Camel Joe, I know Layla is from Marvel, and Wally Walrus... from the Woody Woodpecker show?
Mazamba chapter 2 . 2/20
I don't know why, But Howard always has a Brooklyn accent in my head.
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