Reviews for Best Kiss
Guest chapter 1 . 6/16/2016
Lovely writing. so so good, u write beautifully
Guest chapter 3 . 5/20/2016
please come back
Klarobass chapter 3 . 4/17/2016
I really loved how you concluded this story. It's so fitting and even foreshadowing what in the future would become of Chuck and Blair. I'm sure Blair's reaction to Chuck and Georgina sleeping together, surprised even Blair. And then them reminiscing of the event for years later and how it lead them to each other was a perfect ending in my books.

Sorry for taking so long to read and review. Truth was I was away all week, but it's not a good rebought excuse as I still had phone access to read fanfic. Truthfully I have a lame excuse. I don't know how to explain it, but everytime I tried to read anything I just couldn't continue, just couldn't bring myself to read fanfic. I think I just needed a break I guess. But I'm back now to reading fanfic, and given I have no computer to write or watch TV, reading fanfic is the only thing I have to do, so it gives me plenty of time to read fanfics. My sincere apologies for taking so long, I'll try and make sure next time doesn't take nearly as long. I look forward to anything you may write in the future.
miafly chapter 3 . 4/15/2016
I love this last chapter. It's a nice thought that C & B shared a romantic pre-series moment.
I'm a little sad that this fic is already over, but hopefully you'll write something new soon. I know it's going to be good. :)
Shrk22 chapter 3 . 4/13/2016
It's over?! Too soon - not enough! I love the flashbacks and the fact that they may have experienced some attraction that they chose to suppress. I especially loved the tenderness between Chuck and Blair in the limo. I like to think they shared this very sort of relaxed affection before they parted for the evening. I enjoyed this immensely. Thank you.
nuts4soccer chapter 3 . 4/12/2016
*clap clap clap clap*

all my love xoxo

Almaloney33 chapter 3 . 4/12/2016
Oh! How did I miss these updates!? I loved this - so cute! And thank you from the bottom of my Chair-shipping heart for not going into excruciating detail with Sparks...although this perfectly explained why Chuck thinks she's a psycho (apart from the fact that, well, she is). We get a lot of stories about their amazing sex but it was nice to feel how magical their kisses alone are. Brilliant job!
a chapter 3 . 4/12/2016
Klarobass chapter 2 . 3/30/2016
I think you did a really great job with Georgina and Chucks first time. Honestly I dislike the idea of them being together, but here I actually like how you wrote it. Very in character too. It's not surpassing they she would bring a blade, and try to mark her territory, given how crazy Chuck found her. He couldn't leave fast enough. I wonder if Blair will find out what will happen and how she'll react. It's clear they're already developing feelings towards each other.

Also, I apologize for taking so long to get to this chapter and review. It's been a hectic week, with me just finishing my final exam today. Luckily I'm finished school now until September. Not to mention, I was a few fics behind I also had to catch up on.
Klarobass chapter 1 . 3/29/2016
I love pre series Chuck and Blair. Next to AU, it's probably my favorite genre in CB FanFiction. That kiss definitely effected them both. It didn't feel like just a kiss, just by the way they really got into it. Wonder how the Chuck and Georgina scene will go down. Off to read your next chapter now.
ChuckBlair08lover chapter 2 . 3/28/2016
Yet another awesome chapter. I always wondered how Chucks first time would've been with Georgina. I think it was pretty good, going to be honest though I hate even thinking of them two together though lol but I get why you needed to put it in here. She was supposidly Chucks first. I thought you wrote it good. Damn Georgina must have been one advanced little slut IMO lol her tying Chuck up and all. But even early on that girl had to been off her rocker. Loved how Chuck couldn't get away quick enough after the whole deed was done.

Hmm... makes me wonder even more what Blair's going to think when she follows Chuck to congratulate him on their win?... Although she clearly feels something for him after that kiss she is also still very confused from this new sensation that he brought her. Definitely wondering what her reaction is going to be if/when she see's Chuck and Georgina. Will she be mad? jealous, arroused. Maybe something else or all of the above together.

You've already got me excited for the next chapter. Like I said I love anything Pre-GG Chuck and Blair. Also love me a good AU story too.

miafly chapter 2 . 3/26/2016
Don't worry, I think you did a good job describing Chuck and Georgina. It wasn't too much but still detailed enough ... Interesting idea with the belt. I actually thought she would not untie him and Blair finds him or something like that :D :D
Curious to read what happens next, so update soon please xxx
Shrk22 chapter 2 . 3/26/2016
Crazy Whoregina! Well done! I didn't vomit, just a little queasy ... enough detail to tantalize! The knife and the belt were nice touches. However, I have a sneaky suspicion the whole ChuckandBlairBadTiming thing is about to make its debut ... Ugh! Can't wait for the next installment!
nuts4soccer chapter 2 . 3/26/2016
Ooh I love this! Will there be more flash forwards or will it all be centered in sixth grade ? *cringe* Georgina, just detail with Chair and all will be good ;) love love love your story xxx T
miafly chapter 1 . 3/22/2016
Oh this is just wonderful! Such a cute idea. I thought it was a one-shot but now that I know you're going to continue I'm even more excited. Update soon, please. :)
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