Reviews for Breaking Through
lizyeh2000 chapter 20 . 1/2
Loved your story , now favourited!
dncskldfksdf chapter 1 . 9/14/2019
I don't quite like Twilight fanfictions, but this one warms my heart. I too have autism, and I will follow this story, and hope to see more stories with characters who have autism or other disabilities.
rissbenzo chapter 22 . 3/24/2019
I wish you all the best.
Some advice, go for walks in nature, I’ve only just started going every second to third day and it’s helped so much. Walk a hiking track. :) 3
skye-speedy chapter 13 . 2/27/2019
Great chapter
Seekoei chapter 23 . 9/15/2018
Don't apologize, you've got a life and of course it's the most important ! Good luck and kiss from France ! ;-)
Seto Keiba's Girlfriend chapter 13 . 7/21/2018
I absolutely love this story! 3 I have high functioning autism, and I have never found a story that portrayed how people like me deal with the outside world so perfectly. I hope you keep writing such inspiring stories in the future to come! Lots of love for the author who unknowly is helping to end the stygma.
Seekoei chapter 22 . 7/8/2018
Hi !
Sorry for my bad English, I m French !

I just want to tell you I like your story. No matter if you take your time, real life is more important, and I'm sorry what happened to you.

Perhaps one day, when you're better, you'll give us a new chap !

Hugs from France
lulu2613 chapter 1 . 3/15/2018
You are quite a gifted writer!
lizyeh2000 chapter 22 . 2/24/2018
Thanks for updating! Omg I hope you feel better!
Dunced Goofball chapter 21 . 2/18/2018
After reading your Author's Note, the decision is yours to make. I speak for myself but maybe others speak my words too, if you want to continue on to a sequel and not worry about the prev. chapters, we await this continuation with bated breath. If you wish to revise the story, maybe it will give you ideas you never thought of before for its sequel? Maybe there's a plot bunny present here that was left in a corner and now is it's time to shine?
Ultimately, it is your decision to make and we shall be behind you all the way!
kayrob16 chapter 21 . 2/13/2018
Guestdod chapter 21 . 2/12/2018
Move on and Write a sequel , please :)
twilight85fan chapter 21 . 2/13/2018
I'd love a sequel
Mrs. VampDiva Belikov chapter 21 . 2/12/2018
lizyeh2000 chapter 21 . 2/12/2018
Love your story now following! . Please update soon! I love how this story highlight autism keep writing its amazing 3
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