Reviews for Betrayal Knows My Name
squirtleism chapter 27 . 6/20
i am so glad that i stumbled upon this story. there are rarely GOOD stories here in this fandom abt mayura being sigyn. also, i really love all the characters' personalities and how unique the story is, not to mention my knowledge to norse mythology is broaden thanks to your fic. i hope you will update soon!
marygrace.bernabe.9 chapter 27 . 2/7
Oh! Your story it is great!, thankfully I see your matantei Loki ragnarok fanfic currently still updating and very good in story lines and its getting more and more interesting about this your story and matantei Loki ragnarok was my favorite anime but sadly they not continue thru anime but in manga still going updating. Well keep up a good work!
Yours Truly chapter 27 . 11/8/2019
how cruel. why stop now? ohhhhh my broken heart huhuhuhuhu.
Yours Truly chapter 10 . 11/7/2019
Yey, congratulations to me for being the 100th reviewer. I just felt that I have to be it. I'm gonna be honest, this is the best matantei loki fanfic I have ever had the chance of reading and I swear that to the river styx. I hope this story continues to the very end. Kudos to you author. the writing style is just so flawless.
Yori chapter 27 . 7/20/2019
Thank you for the chapter! Honestly this story is so good every chapter sending me reeling at how much depth and thought is put into the back story! Also I know this is completely not the goal but honestly this fic made me ship Thorxmayura LOL, you just write them so well that I just wanna read about them interacting!
Guest chapter 27 . 6/21/2019
I have to say I love this chapter. I can't wait for Sigyn x Loki time! Yay! :D
LuDeLuu chapter 27 . 6/20/2019
Aaaah, how wondeful your writing is. It truly paints a beautiful and clear picture in my mind, that it is as if the scenes are playing before my eyes. Also, I considered myself quite knowledgeable of Norse mythology but you've schooled me in quite a bit! I really like that aspect of this story and that you weave it in such a way that it turns into your own original fantasy.

I don't know if I'm making any sense, haha, I just wanted to express how talented you are and how much I love this story and your portrayal of the Gods and their relationships. Think I'll go back and read through it again since I've forgotten some of the details.

Again, loving this arch and I can't wait for some Loki-Mayura/Sigyn :)
mintDesco chapter 1 . 6/17/2019
this is very great story. I really like mayura/loki especially if mayura is actually sigyn. and not only that i like how you decide for spica personality. she is a badass mother and good friend, i cant help but rooting for her.

Keep up the good work!
LeillaHoneybuns chapter 15 . 11/11/2018
When I saw the manga, Spica was mute, so when you made her talk I was kinda iffy about the entire story. I take all that back now. Mommy Spica and Fenrir puppy are just so adorable I honestly can't wait to finish the entire midgard arc. Nice!
Guest chapter 26 . 9/28/2018
You know, I can honestly that this story is fascinating. I had wanted to check out fan fiction after seeing the anime, because I really liked the Loki x Mayura pairing. But when I read this story, I started going on between wanting Mayura to be with Loki or Thor, and now Heimdall (a not as annoying Heimdall) is in the picture and now I kinda wish there were more Mayura/Sigyns to go around for them. I'm not a fan of multiple pairings, harem or reverse, but if you decided to let Mayura have herself a harem of guys, that's fine with me. It'll teach Loki a lesson on cheating he won't soon forget. Hope you'll publish the next chapter soon. I really can't wait for it.
James Birdsong chapter 26 . 9/21/2018
Good chapter of course. Coo of course.
4uhvi chapter 1 . 9/4/2018
Veri n1c38c9st0riWE
Inzrm chapter 1 . 9/3/2018
Veri n1c3NY0st0ria8
Guest chapter 25 . 8/23/2018
Awww 3 Thor and Sigyn are soooo cutee
Guest chapter 26 . 8/20/2018
Please write more!
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