Reviews for Behind the scenes
Moltz chapter 14 . 7/26
Charlie is going to see right through Bella's reasons for graduating early.
What else is causing Edward's insecurities?
Iklepixie chapter 14 . 7/21
Enjoying their journey behind the scenes.
sonogal chapter 14 . 7/16
I hope she can convince him. Then they can head to UDUB in a year. They are both so smart that they need to go to a university, not a community college.
grandmachix chapter 14 . 7/16
No more nights together, but like Bella said, they have text. I don't ice skate. I can barely roller skate. Will Charlie agree to let Bella finish early and go to Port Angeles for college?
grandmachix chapter 13 . 7/16
Bella and Edward are committed to each other. Bella tried to assure Edward that they can get through the separation when he goes to school.
grandmachix chapter 12 . 7/16
Well, they did fall asleep. That's a good excuse, isn't it?
polyphany chapter 14 . 7/15
Love it! ;-)
sonogal chapter 13 . 7/8
Edward should go to UDub, not a community college. It is not that far and he can come home every weekend. He won't get into medical school going to community college. He needs a school with tougher courses.
Elvire23 chapter 4 . 7/5
Oh Edward!
Moltz chapter 13 . 7/5
Just another step towards adulthood.
pipelynn chapter 13 . 7/5
I am really loving this story! Started it yesterday and read it straight through! I feel so bad I did not review every chapter as I usually do. Love this Edward for sure, and this rose is one of my favorites. Thanks for writing.
Elvire23 chapter 3 . 7/5
A lot of strong feelings.
polyphany chapter 13 . 7/5
Great story, can't wait to read more! ;-)
Guest chapter 13 . 7/3
Absolutely loved this!
Elvire23 chapter 2 . 7/5
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