Reviews for Snuggledot
Guest chapter 1 . 12/6/2016
Little Snuggle chapter 1 . 10/22/2016
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh... OH MY STARS THIS IS TOO MUCH! I'm so glad I read this first, because oh mah lord, I just can't handle the adorableness. I had to stop multiple times to process the scenes and gush at how cute it is. Peridot- oh my god- I need a Peridot. I relate to Amethyst the most, but I think we all get a little cuddly and clingy like Peri sometimes, right? I want to be like Peri with someone and be able to hiss at people like she does. I wanna be like Amethyst and just accept all snuggles whenever they happen, wherever we may be.

God I love this fic... I'm sure I'm going to be saying that about all your stories. How can anything top this? It's just-... We need a cuddle puddle, maybe even a literal puddle if Lapis joins in. I can imagine Peridot and Ame cuddling on the couch or in Steven's bed and Garnet strolls by, looks at Peridot, and says, "I see fusion in your future." and Peridot can only fume and hiss and whisper-scream at Garnet while she tries not to wake the other gem, hugging her tighter protectively.

Or Steven sneaks up and starts taking pictures and mid-way through one of them wakes up and grabs Steven, forcing him into the snuggle pile. I can definitely see Pearl watching them sleep like she does to Steven. Peridot wakes up and has that "where am I, what time is it..." moment when you take too long of a nap in the middle of the day. She looks over at Pearl and stares, horrified that she's some murderer who's about to kill her, and her brain takes a lot longer than it should have to process exactly what's happening. When she does finally realize what's going on, however, she comes to the conclusion that Pearl is a total creep and doesn't get to be in their cuddle puddle... But Amethyst ends up dragging her in anyway.

This is what happens when you write something so adorable and open-ended. I mean, what are Ame and Peri going to do in Amethyst's room?! How many beds are in there to choose from? Does Peridot just decide "I don't want to go any further, I just want to snuggle, so let's lay right here in front of the door"?! I mean, what if Steven finds a way in! Will Ame have to drag Peri off of him like she's a guard dog protecting her owner? Will Steven take pictures, ask to join in and make the Shorty Squad Snuggle, will he just wait till they wake up, or will he get the others to come and watch them too?! Ugh, too many questions! Not even Fanfiction!
Lady of the Sky chapter 1 . 8/31/2016
Bro. Clingy Snuggledot. Yes. Adorable. Truly modern meepmorp.
AnonymousMiscell chapter 1 . 7/3/2016
Heh. Perfect. BEAUTIFUL!
Style chapter 1 . 5/3/2016
I DEMAND more snuggles!
Dragonsrule18 chapter 1 . 4/26/2016
So cute!
Detouredbe chapter 1 . 3/22/2016
Aw, I felt almost like I was getting cuddled, myself, as I read this. I like it!
Wolfcry66 chapter 1 . 3/21/2016
That was cute I'm glad I read it. I love peridot and amethyst shopping, it's one of my favorite fandoms from the show. Good, and cute read!
chadtayor020 chapter 1 . 3/20/2016
Cedek18 chapter 1 . 3/20/2016
This was really cute! I'm glad you decided to post it:)