Reviews for Gardevoir and Her Love
PokemonLuvr69 chapter 1 . 7/1
Holy shit I cant believe Ian saw a shiny Rayquaza! I like the big brother relationship between Ian and Katelyn. She clearly needs a paternal older figure to help her out after losing her family. And I think that Ian clearly fills that role well, a true guardian and gentlesir. 8.5/10 could use more shiny Rayquaza's.
Coolie McDoolies chapter 13 . 7/1
Katelyn is so hot omg. I busted a few nuts [and hearts ;)], reading this, I can't stop. Send help
MA chapter 1 . 6/22
I'm in live with this story already hopefully you will make more
Guest chapter 1 . 5/21
DarkSorcerer888 chapter 16 . 2/1
Dragon type moves don't work on Fairy types. I assume you are using Gardevoir's pre-sixth gen typing.
Gamma-X chapter 10 . 9/6/2019
I'm going to assume that Katelyn scared away May and Bryce. That was way too sudden for them to leave. Like, Bryce says he's got all the badges wdespite being with them the entire time? And May just says she liked traveling with them despite having shown interest in Ian? Yeah, no. I'm not buying it. Is Katelyn a Yandere, I wonder? What the heck did she do that managed to scare them off? :/
Gamma-X chapter 4 . 9/6/2019
Pansage using flamethrower? But he's a Grass Type. I think you meant Pansear, buddy.
Liking this so far. But it sucks we didn't get much character development for Katelyn's crush to be well founded. I mean, one chapter she's a stranger, and the next has a timeskip where she's already in love with her trainer. So, it's eh. But I'll continue. Nice work tho.
I would *also* throw Bryce out of the airborne airplane. :P
Gamma-X chapter 1 . 9/6/2019
Betting the first black creature was a Shadow Lugia! I mean, it's purplish black, *and* has red eyes.
Tho, I'm disappointed this story won't be taking place in Hoenn, I won't drop it since I'm curious about this story. Just don't like Unova all that much despite it being a *little* cool.
look2019 chapter 36 . 5/16/2019
I liked the end!
GordonFreeman72 chapter 13 . 2/11/2019
No way! I could never write a flame review on something this beautiful, or towards a person who is so nice and kind to their readers! Great job, my friend! This is Doctor Gordon Freeman, signing off.
Some fan chapter 22 . 2/4/2019
“Pokephilia is illegal boi” says the woman who is harassing a man by holding a sharp sirrenge filled with an unknown substance to his neck. /:

Also I’m writing with mobile so I probably made a few spelling mistakes
Ian nonot him chapter 36 . 12/6/2018
You may know me as from my past reviews. Yes, even the one where I went on a rant about the gore when Kate destroyed the biker. I'm here to say that this chapter actually made me cry. I actually cried as soon as Ian [NOT ME!] died. I literally said "No! Why does it end with his death!? Why did it have to end like that!? Why why WHY!?" then, I realized. You had his ending be so tragic because of the raw emotional bond one would have. you wanted someone to feel what Kate felt. and for that, I consider you my Idol. Sice I have recently started writing fanfics myself, this has given me inspiration. Also, feel free to use this as a mention in your next chapter.
Mr.Nugget chapter 23 . 12/6/2018
HOLY FUCK! KATE JUST KILLED PEOPLE! That... caught me off guard.. I think i'm going to take a break from this fanfic before the fanfic breaks me. I'm actually shaking with horror, I've seen gore in movies, and all I could think about in this chapter was the body horror from 'The Thing' and the melting from 'Raiders Of The Lost Arc'. At least you gave us a warning, though. Still, you should've made the warning a bit more direct. 'This chapter involes SOMEONE FUCKING MELTING IN HORRIFIC DETAIL UNTIL HE'S A PUDDLE OF GUTS AND SKIN, NO BONES, JUST GUTS AND SKIN WITH A WHOLE LOTTA BLOOD'. Also, Yaay Ninja hatched into a cute ralts who's first minutes were FUKKIN DEATH AND GORE!
call me mr.nugg chapter 21 . 12/6/2018
STOP THROWING PEOPLE, KATELYN! Lol. I find the romance between a Pokèmon and a trainer interesting. I wrote this review on the page where they discovered that it is legal for them to 'mate', and I actually laughed! Not because it was funny, nor because I found it dumb, but because I was happy for them. I haven't felt emotions while reading for a while, and this fanfic threw me through the whole spectrum of emotions. Happiness, fear, sorrow, dread, suspence, anger, pride, EVEN LOVE! I LOVE the romance between Ian and Kate, and the romance between Bryce and May is like a romance comedy, and it genuinely makes me chuckle! I don't know how you make me feel for these characters, but it is awesome an I'm loving every moment of this! Also, the part where Kate had ice cream on her lip, and tried to lick it off, I laughed for about three minutes straight!
Guest chapter 7 . 9/10/2018
im a guest because im on my 3DS, I like it so far, keep it up.

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