Reviews for Perfect
Almoneda chapter 1 . 1/7/2018
Aww riley deserves better
Crushcrush12 chapter 1 . 4/15/2017
Mi dios probablemente tenga que escribirte una carta para describir toda la grandiosidad aquĆ­ expuesta.
Sunshine and Chocolate chapter 3 . 11/1/2016
Wow, this was perfect. Speaking from personal experience you captured the unspoken promise between the three that is you all know what's going on and you just never say it out loud. So that was fantastic! Great piece!
Paufdez13 chapter 3 . 6/11/2016
I honestly think this is your best story, you couldn't have heandled the situation better, is one of my favorites and i think nothing ever will be compared to this great work i read this over and over
Guest chapter 3 . 3/14/2016
Love! Love! Love this so much! Great job!
Clavel chapter 3 . 3/12/2016
Oh, this one made me cry.
and Missy!
Great job!
Clavel chapter 2 . 3/12/2016
Okay... Lucas... I don't hate you but still...
Clavel chapter 1 . 3/12/2016
I'm loving this! oh, Riley.
tiramisuspice chapter 3 . 3/12/2016
I had a really really bad day yesterday because I had to go to the damn doctor's for a fucking horrid second degree burn that hurts, and I opened my inbox and saw this new story and I think I started to cry when I read it LOL. I really needed this. I don't even know why, but I was just not feeling life all day and your incredible, eloquent, fantastic writing 100% made everything better. I think I read this like ten times in a row, and I can't thank you enough for writing this beauty. I mean DAYUM GURL. This is outrageous! You have such poise and depth to and in your writing that is so rewarding to read. This was more consoling and soothing to me than any of the aloe cream shit that I have to put on my neck.
But sorry about blubbering; let me properly review!


Unapologetically brutal! Holy shit, I had to stop a couple times and stare at the screen and reread the more awful parts of her knowing he was cheating, like when she brushed her teeth after tasting Maya on his lips (brutal I tell ya. absolutely brutal!). It was just so sad how their relationship kept deteriorating and she just sat there and took it, resigned herself to it helplessly. I was also kind of mad at her for letting it happen and not getting out of the relationship when she knew he was sleeping with someone else. She was a saint in this, because I half expected her to get really mad but it was like she gave up and even accepted it. Holy crap was that hard. I was shocked and kind of struggled to read through her POV because she knew all this was happening, she knew he was sleeping with Maya, and she even tried to be like Maya at some point and failed (which Lucas knew which was soooo hard to read too) and it was so so sad and I could not with this.

This POV was probably the hardest to read because she was the one who got cheated on and had to move after changing her whole life with Lucas and she got nothing out of this. I'm one of those people who finds cheating very upsetting, yet for some reason, my reaction after reading this wasn't anger which was just soooo weird for me, but amazing that you managed to take a topic that is so fucked up in my mind and make it work on all three sides and counts. How the heck did you manage that? Major props to you.


I had mixed feelings at first. I love any Lucaya, but the idea of them getting together through cheating was kind of conflicting at first. Plus, having read Riley's and having been put in her shoes and knowing how much pain she was in, I went into Lucas' POV ready to hate him and wanting to yell at him, but then halfway through it became begrudging understanding, and by the end I was gushing over his love for Maya and so happy that he'd managed to find his soulmate, though I still felt like he did Riley seriously wrong for not ending things at all.

I would have liked to see more about the idea of "change" for Lucas, since the summary pinpointed that as his lesson; or maybe a stronger dichotomy on how he was with Riley versus how he is with Maya, and I don't mean like relationship wise. I mean kind of how you mentioned when he and Maya have their first time: how he'd been with Riley for so long, he'd kind of gotten used to a certain monotony, how he'd never truly lived for himself or gotten a chance to live as Lucas. You did show that in Riley's POV with their routine and you had some of it at the beginning of his but I think having even more of that for Lucas would definitely make the change he went through more visible and would have made it more understanding why he continued to cheat. Idk, like maybe he was craving to continue exploring who he was since he could be more of himself with Maya? I feel like that would have probably made me a little less angry at him by the end if I could see that he was struggling to enjoy life or if he felt like his life was a little void of colour before he met Maya.

I could sympathize with him by the end of this, especially since Maya seemed to have given him a new meaning to his life when he was (probably?) lost, and of course, the Lucaya was icing on the cake, but I'm still kind of mad at him for keeping both girls at the same time though. Also, I felt like between him and Maya, he was waaay less guilty or apologetic, which uh... idk. Imma need some time to think about that one, but I felt like he owed Riley an apology by the end and her not getting one from him gave me pause.


Like with Lucas, I was kind of struggling between my love for Lucaya and knowing that Maya was the other woman who knew she was the other woman, yet still stuck around with the relationship anyway. And I originally thought her POV was going to be hard to read because of the fact that she was with a guy she knew had a girlfriend, but her guilt and knowing about the cheating and the whole parallels with her mom and all that jazz made me think a bit differently about this situation. Her conflicts with knowing she was with a taken guy yet being so deeply in love made for a lot of great angst that I just ate up. If she hadn't been apologetic at all, I'm pretty sure I would have thrown my computer at the wall, but the fact that she seemed to hate herself for what she was doing to Riley made me sympathize with her and understand the difficulties with the situation.

I think stylistically, placing the POVs in the order you did and revealing more of the story bit by bit in small chunks and fragments through the different POVs the way you did (brilliant, by the way), really helped to piece together and see the bigger picture of the situation. By the time I got to Maya's, knowing that Riley had accepted the new relationship and moved on and knowing that Lucas had fallen deeply in love with her, I was no longer frustrated, but rather rooting for Maya to get that happy ending with Lucas and clear the air with Riley. If I had read anyone else's other than Riley's first, I'm not so sure I would have left the story as forgiving. So kudos for the order you put the stories in. (If it was unintentional than whatevs; still fucking awesome).

*deep breath* Okaaaaay and that's that!

This was controversial and a really difficult topic to approach and there were a number of ways this could have been horrible, and you totally bypassed all of them. This was truly amazing and you tackled this subject so well that you managed to shed light on a different way a dynamic in a cheating scenario may exist. That it's not always so clean cut on any of the sides and there are a lot of factors that come into play. I don't know anymore man. I hate cheating, but I really like this story, but I thought it was kind of fucked up, but I couldn't stop reading because it was just so delicious and kind of savage!

I still have to go back and reread OMMM and leave a proper review lol. I promise I'll get to that hopefully in the next week or two. Sorry, school and work keeps getting in the way, but I like annoying authors with long af detailed reviews so I'm waiting until I have more time ;P
Okay, I think I've rambled and bugged you enough now, yeah?
Again, thank you for writing this, thank you for unintentionally cheering me up, and thank you for your amazing talent! :3
Can't wait for more of your future works, love!
Clueless Penguin chapter 3 . 3/12/2016
This story is so heart wrenching. Your style of writing is beautiful! I like the perspective you took on the story. Where the whole affair is not black and white. Still, Lucas is a little bit of a jerk...
Danigirl84 chapter 1 . 3/12/2016
I really like Riley's chapter although I gotta admit when I read it I hear girl crush not perfect. :-P
jaymee chapter 3 . 3/12/2016
sweet and innocent Maya precious smol bean
jaymee chapter 2 . 3/12/2016
damn friar
jaymee chapter 1 . 3/12/2016
Thx for the unnecessary emotions
guest chapter 1 . 3/12/2016
loved it. write more
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