Reviews for Erase My Scars
Krys Jericho chapter 1 . 7/13/2017
Wow, another good chapter! I'm liking that that text showed up and cleared Roman, though it still doesn't fully excuse him. But it definitely puts a lot into perspective. I'm also glad the new knowledge doesn't change how Savannah feels about Seth. I am however concerned for Becky. You've definitely upped the stakes, and I'm liking where this is heading. Good job!
Krys Jericho chapter 25 . 7/8/2017
Oh no, poor Becky! I feel horrible for her...I get that she feels trapped in the middle because of Roman and Savannah and Seth, and I can see Roman's reasoning for pushing her away so this creeper won't go after her, but damn, I feel her pain too. Good chapter!
Krys Jericho chapter 24 . 7/4/2017
Interesting chapter...I'm curious about this thing developing between Becky and Roman. And this Adrian Devox guy is getting creepier with each episode.
Krys Jericho chapter 23 . 1/15/2017
Wow, this was just amazing! Savannah and Seth finally, gloriously sealing the was beautiful. Great job!
Leasha Ambrose chapter 40 . 12/4/2016
Omg! I absolutely loved the ending. The entire group was back together, Adrian was arrested, and Savannah finally happy.

I'm thinking there needs to be a sequel. Haha great job!
Leasha Ambrose chapter 39 . 12/4/2016
Awww! Yay they are engaged! I loved how he did it. It wasn't something big and elaborate. It was meaningful because she was in a horrible place and he made it all better.

Oh we go Adrian...
Leasha Ambrose chapter 38 . 12/4/2016
I knew Savannahs worrying would get the best of her at some point. Poor Savannah! It's funny that Seth is actually starting to think of a future even though they still don't know what's going on with Adrian out there somewhere.
Leasha Ambrose chapter 37 . 12/4/2016
There was a lot of sex and attempted sex in this chapter. Hahaha.
Leasha Ambrose chapter 36 . 12/4/2016
Awe that was probably the most sweet and sad convo that Becky and Roman have had. They both really care about each other. It's very sweet.
Leasha Ambrose chapter 35 . 12/4/2016
Why am I not surprised that Becky is the one going against Adrian's demands? Her desire to get what she wants might cost her. I hope she is careful.
Leasha Ambrose chapter 34 . 12/4/2016
I just absolutely love Savannah and Seth together. He is such a sweetheart with her. She deserves all the happiness in the world.

It looks like maybe Krys is starting to soften. Maybe Dolph can make that happen.
Leasha Ambrose chapter 33 . 12/4/2016
Poor Savannah is her own worst enemy. She's such a worrier/fixer. She tries so hard for everyone but herself. She needs to worry about her before everyone else.
Leasha Ambrose chapter 32 . 12/4/2016
What the heck is Krys's problem? First treating Savannah like shit then slapping Amelia. Is she really jealous or is something else going on like a certain creeper?

This is getting interesting...

It was nice to see a little Amelia/Dean.
Leasha Ambrose chapter 31 . 12/4/2016
Oh Adrian is causing a real mess.

Glad to see that Hunter was accepting of Savannah and Seth and hopefully it's a step in the right direction for Savannahs career.

Who is Adrian gonna target next? Amelia? Dean?
Leasha Ambrose chapter 30 . 12/4/2016
Aww Becky and Roman are so cute. Glad he decided to stay with her during her recovery.
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