Reviews for The Long Way Home
Supergirl chapter 63 . 6/17
I new you wuold love tthe rise if skywlker
Supergirl chapter 39 . 6/7
She not a nobudy wiet fir the next one
Supergirl chapter 19 . 6/2
Green blue and pink
Supregirl chapter 17 . 6/1
jurasic park line
thechosenbibliophile chapter 63 . 3/30
okay so it has been a hot minute but with quarantine I had no choice but to check in with my favourite fics and holy shit you did not disappoint xx my love for this fic just came flowing back.
Holy shit I’m so stressed about plasma and my theory on her I started crying and the chemistry between kylo and all his ladies was written so amazingly xx also I’m so excited for the next chapter which hopefully will be soon!
NateTheGreat28 chapter 63 . 2/28
Incredible job here, my friend. Burned through this story in record time and can't wait to see where we're going next.
Fires of Eden Red Rose Aurora chapter 63 . 2/13
A huge twist? I am a bit curious about that. The bit about the female knights of ren and who their basses off: I don't think I'll ever be the same.
I don't have nay problems with this story, accept that most the flashbacks I don't like. Having highlights with Fliss and Luke and then another story would have worked, and I skipped over the story of the gods in the village because I was plain not interested. There are others i may have skipped and or read.
All in all, your doing a good job. I plan on staying for now at least. And best of all, no Reylo!
Good job! I want beg but I look forward to next update
Cryptic Kiwi chapter 1 . 1/15
Okay, I made it as far as chapter 19. This is very slow paced. Sometimes I like that, in this case in afraid I don't. And he really should've killed them. Did he not learn his lesson the first time? And Jarex has a big mouth. Sorry, this has frustrated me and I can't finish it.
Lereniel chapter 63 . 1/10
Not seeing any new chapter, I was afraid you had abandoned this story. How great to be proven wrong!
Hard chapter, but very interesting nonetheless. Doesn't make me hate Tara even less, though... Stars I wanna slap here hard in the face!
When are we going back to Rey and co?


KingRaven1138 chapter 63 . 1/9
well if you are going to try to add the ONES into this story will you also add abeloth
THEguitarist117 chapter 63 . 1/9
Well the TROS discussion only makes me want to read the rest of this story twenty times more than I did at the beginning, which was still way above my average interest for some stories, and that was around the time of the in between period of TFA and Rogue One. Hell, when I had just watched TROS, one of my first thoughts was how my favorite ongoing fanfic authors would be able to work the final Skywalker saga movie into their stories, including, but not limited to, this story. Great to see that even though you do have some things to complain about, like me, you were able to enjoy it, like me. There were some things that did seem to be out of place spectacularly...cough...Rey Palpatine...cough...cough...Reylo Kiss...cough, the movie did well with what it had. I do wish the romance between Rose and Finn had been explored a bit more, hint, and that we had gotten a bit more explanation of who Rey's, and in your case Sasa's, parents were, HINT, but I liked it overall. The music was still done fantastically by the eternally great John Williams, and the visuals and callbacks to the past movies, though I think the X-Wing call back was just a little too on the nose, and series, i.e. voices of the past Jedi, was very appropriate as they tied everything up with a somewhat nice little how. Oh and by the way, that line with Reylo being weird and incestuous in this universe had me laughing for some weird reason. All in all, I can't wait for the rest of the story, especially when we get into the movies. May the force be with you.
AmazingGraceless chapter 63 . 1/9
Okay the Reylo reference wasn’t necessary and it actually took me out of the chapter. Why would anyone call in that in-universe?

Anyway, I’ve been meaning to review this for about a year now when this was first recommended to me. Anyway, I want to start with that you’re a very talented writer. I was not really on your side of fandom, being a Reylo (I’m admitting this as a bias, not to start a war— I fully admit I may be seeing things through a biased lens and be completely wrong), but you’ve written a Rey Skywalker story I actually really liked. You have a lot of good ideas, and for the most part, your OCs are the shining part of the story. You do an amazing job weaving in an ever-changing lore, and do a good job keeping people interested. However, there are two things I’ve noticed throughout the fic that do damper my enjoyment of it.

The first is that all the couples are really shown to do is sex or talking about sex. Rarely, in all of the chapters, as far as I’ve noticed, have any of them done any hobbies together, or any other activity other than talking about their love life or the lead up to a censored scene. PDA is great, but it’s hard to buy any of the couples when there’s nothing really there. For a while, I actually liked Kylo and Sasa because they showed hobbies in common and had a goal besides sex, where they both genuinely seemed to want children to raise. Obviously now I don’t ship that anymore, but I thought I’d mention it. I know you’re a great writer, so I just wanted to mention it— but that could just be my prudish tastes, and I acknowledge that.

The second is Felicity Rhiaon. I really liked her in the opening chapters. She seemed like a cool character and a great mom to Rey. Plus, even though Reylo was my pet theory, I did like the idea of Jyn Erso in the canon being Rey’s mom, so it was cool to see your take on it. However, the problems for me came when we learned more about her backstory. I’ll put it this way— Holdo may have been justified in wanting Rey out of the situation. Maybe you meant for this to be a slow reveal but the whole picture leads up to Holdo assuming abuse.

The evidence? You mention that Felicity often hits Luke in fights when she’s alive (“but not bad enough to call the police over”) and she constantly threatens everyone in her vicinity. Ben Solo likes her at first, and then later violently hates her, will do anything to stay away from her, and she likes to clearly punish him. Hmm, I wonder what this looks like to an outside situation? Oh, and neither Ben or Felicity will tell anyone why? That really looks suspicious.

Also, given that Felicity is known to have kidnapped her nephew, and denied medical treatment (I hate in general when societies with advanced magitechs have that one mentor character that’s like, I want you to suffer the full recovery that isn’t standard in our world at all. It’s like demanding a kid now be treated with 1800s medicine to suffer the full recovery) it really looks like abuse.

Holdo must at least know about some of this if she’s in contact with Leia, at least about the kid refusing to be near her after previously liking her. Given the act Felicity does later (which I do have sympathy for, post-partum is terrible and that’s not necessarily something I blame Felicity for) I totally get why in-story she wanted Rey taken away.

Felicity looks like a pretty awful person, and the Skywalker household sounds like a pretty awful place.

I know that probably wasn’t your intent, and I’m probably just misinterpreting everything with my own biases. But I thought I’d mention it. I only came across this when I kept re-reading your gorgeous prose. It’s so detailed, that I kept looking back in and admiring it.

I don’t want to end my review on a negative note, so I’d just like to say I love Kira’s council, the Connix drama is amazing, and I like your changes regarding Finn. It is a tragedy he got so shafted in general in this set of movies. Same goes for Rose. And I adore the way you wrote her here, as well as Poe. You actually made me really like Poe! You’ve got a lot of talent and you’ve put a lot of wonderful work into this.

Just know that even if I don’t agree on some Star Wars things, I think you’re an amazing author and I can’t wait to see what your story comes up with— it’s a fun alternative to the sequel trilogy, and I always like seeing the creative energies with others.

[sorry this is so long. I hope I don’t make you too angry by putting it in your review box. Again, I really like your work and have been trying to think of how to review it for a year now]
SpeedForce 1229 chapter 62 . 12/25/2019
I’ve read through this in two days. Okay I skimmed parts that didn’t have Rey and Luke in them as that is what brought me to the story in first place. I have to say I really enjoy the dynamic between Rey and Luke. Though I’m not sure why Luke keeps his real name secret from her. Everyone else seems to know. At least her a Jakku family. I see you’ve added a lot of the story to first order and resistance stuff. I think I saw a part about Leia not wanting her son to be killed and that’s doesn’t make sense but that’s cool. Anyway just wanted to tell you I really enjoy the Luke and Rey stuff and hope to see more. Happy Holidays!
The Hope Lions chapter 62 . 12/10/2019
Love it as always. I am well-pleased with Finn's new direction. As for Sasa... I'm quite afraid to root for her and yet want to at the same time. How conflicted you've left me! But well pleased all the same.
Lereniel chapter 62 . 12/10/2019
Yaaaay! I caught up with this story :D
Honestly I snorted when Teng and Rey came back with their hangover in previous chapters... that's my exact reaction! XDDD
Overall, I really, really love this. You make such lovable and interesting characters and I can't wait to start the TFA part with all those changes... It's gonna be awesooooome :DDD Good idea to make shorter chapters as well. I think it'll be easier for you to see the general aspect of your story ;)
Keep it up!

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