Reviews for Black Reaper
Somebody Someone chapter 38 . 8/20
I had a good time reading this story. It's kind of fun to see someone make a "psycho Ruby", aka Reaper, where she still wants to do good at heart.
Kivuntappaja chapter 36 . 5/28
WBRN? I am guessing the name's going to be "Vibrant". I lookedd up definitions to see if colour naming rule allows it and realized that it would be pretty ironic when you compare how "R" used to be.
Kivuntappaja chapter 6 . 5/6
It sure would have been embarassing if timing was just off enough for her to fly in between the two personnel cars instead of slamminh on either of them.
G chapter 19 . 4/25
Rereading this because I found it interesting when I first read it a while ago and want to give it another go. Just thought of this joke.

“As she charged, Nightshade found himself shouting the name she wanted to hear. The last name Reaper ever expected to hear.”

Rhyn3 chapter 19 . 4/14
"The last name Reaper ever expected to hear" huh? So, is it Summer Rose? Yang Xiao Long? Glynda Goodwitch?
jc chapter 15 . 3/26
act 2 is wonderful cant wait for 3!
jc chapter 7 . 3/25
act one is great cant wait for act 2
YuukiAsuna-Chan chapter 36 . 2/12
So, i really enjoyed this. A lot more than i thought i would to be honest. Loved Ruby/Reaper and Neo's relationship and how it developed. Well, guess i will go read the next volume now.
YuukiAsuna-Chan chapter 4 . 2/12
Really, they couldn't tell that it was a high impact sniper rifle or that the cut was done by a curved blade? Forensics should easily be able to discover those two things at least.
G chapter 19 . 5/7/2019
Hahahah. Get it Roman calling the voice in the op characters head meta. Because rvb. Haha
DragonHitman chapter 36 . 1/8/2019
I really enjoyed this! The writing is great and you have a good grasp on the show's characterization of the non-changed characters (Reaper). Also, something that you avoided is when OCs are introduced (The Beast, Nightshade, etc) sometimes they completely overtake the story in a bad way but you kept it very balanced and it was nice. I'm excited to read the sequel.
MaracaRin chapter 35 . 11/25/2018
Oh, you didn’t kill Velvet?
Honestly, I need to comment on her arc. It felt like her character was building to... something. I thought it was her death, considering the dark tone this fic was taking. But instead, she just kinda... moved on. She gradually became less important in the story, until she didn’t matter much at all any more. I guess it makes sense with your A/N at the end of this act, with how people wanted to see Reaper and Neo together, but I still feel like you could have handled Velvet better.
MaracaRin chapter 31 . 11/25/2018
Definitely should have foreshadowed this reveal more. I mean it’s obvious you DID, considering Reaper’s reflection, but it was still pretty out of left field.
MaracaRin chapter 20 . 11/25/2018
So... Reaper is Batman, then?
I’m pretty sure-like 99% sure-that two of the biggest things about Batman are that he doesn’t kill people and he doesn’t use guns. Both of which are things Reaper does in excess. Not harshing on the story, just harshing on the parallel.
MaracaRin chapter 19 . 11/25/2018
Plot twist, the “Red Haze” voice is just actually Yang’s voice in Reaper’s head
I’m just sayin’, Baked Alaska is a good ass ship.
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