Reviews for it wasnt a mistake
Guest chapter 7 . 7/11/2017
Wow... I haven't any words except to say how good this is. I'm speechless. Great job.
Guest chapter 7 . 11/30/2016
This was a really well written story
Loved it
But it made me super depressed
But I like reading that stuff so I guess it's like the perfect story

It's terrifically tragic
Bella chapter 7 . 4/16/2016
That was great. I am in shock at the moment about how awesome that ending was. The feels, the angst everything was perfect. amazing writing. A really good plot. These are the sort of fan fictions that i keep close to my heart
Adrianna Agray chapter 7 . 4/6/2016
That was dark, but well written: )
Leradomi chapter 7 . 3/31/2016
That's how you end it? Seems rushed and really OC.
little miss BANANNA HEAD chapter 7 . 3/30/2016
o-o woah...
xJessilee chapter 6 . 3/22/2016
PikaWings chapter 6 . 3/15/2016
I feel like I should congratulate you for making me feel miserable the whole time I spend reading these chaps (bout 2 hours) bc you manged to almost perfectly describe how I felt on school in Tim's pov. Nobody ever went as far as Finch but the things with the knife and beating(tho in lesser form) and insulting an all was left for my brother. Teachers didn't give a fuck and apparently never told the parents, the principal was the same, the student councilor blamed me for things I didn't know eve, happened just bc I ''fit the description'' tho I thought I didn't at all. For some sadistic reason I kinda hope Alfred survived but Tim died. Nobody except for the batfam and some heroes he was close with show up at his funeral. Bruce finally sees in how wrong he was and falls into a depression after beating the Joker to death, Dick loses all his former happiness and becomes a shell of what he used to be, Alfred quits and goes back to live in England, far away from the hell known as Gotham. Tim meats up with Jason (Todd) in heaven and they bond a lot, Todd helps Tim get over his horrible way of 'justice' about the Finch thing. They pay a lil visit to Finch in hell (the special section of it for bullies) and give them a piece of their mind and tell him the secret ID stuff.
Now I'll shut up and stop rambling. Can't wait for the next chapter! plz update soon!
xJessilee chapter 4 . 3/13/2016
This is just too cute I wanna hug them all XD
xJessilee chapter 3 . 3/13/2016
Omg Bruce you son of a bitch
xJessilee chapter 2 . 3/13/2016
xJessilee chapter 1 . 3/13/2016
Omg. OMG. Now that is heartless. I do understand why he left Jason in the building but he's meant to be a superhero for gods sake XD! Idk I think that was a little mean of him lmfao
little miss BANANNA HEAD chapter 4 . 3/10/2016
*hugs Tim Drake plushie* Timmy needs a hug. *hugs author* you need a hug too.
little miss BANANNA HEAD chapter 3 . 3/4/2016
well this fic sure is a can of worms (lol. it means it's filled with lots of content in a small space)

I'm just looking at the words going "o-o whoa... this is depressing" which is the point, i suppose. so good job on that.

((but between you and me, could Batman fall of a really tall building? I dunno. how about a Gotham version of Big Ben? He's a jerk. lol))
Leradomi chapter 2 . 3/3/2016
Thanks for fixing the formatting now you just have to fix your grammar because it is still very difficult to read like this. In other words your paragraphs are off. Everytime a new person or character speaks there should be a new paragraph.
For example (and I hope the PM's formatting works for this):
"Hey Drake, whatchya smirking at? The thought of Wayne in your mouth last night?"
People turned around to look, but noone moved from their place, and Tim snapped out of his pre-school happiness.
When Tim said nothing, Jason moved before Tim, not even a half step away from him, his hand behind his own back. "come with me Drake, now."

That is how it SHOULD look (but I didn't correct other things) note how your last come with me Drake now line isn't capitalized? There is also several times where Drake isn't even capitalized. You need a proofreader or beta. Let me know if you would like my help. The reason it is difficult to read is because when you are reading and someone speaks and then you see another quotation you assume it is the same person speaking since you are in the same paragraph but then it isn't and it makes it confusing. The capitalization also is a big problem. There are also several times that you don't even list who is speaking (but I know from the context it isn't the same person that was speaking earlier in the same paragraph.)
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