Reviews for Lost Decepticon
Purest of the Hearts chapter 20 . 7/30
OP I had to reread to get back up to date and I SEE THAT CALLBACK. So command coin flip? I'm guessing that's why Jazz sometimes "came back more Deception than Autobot"? Every time he goes unconscious it's a coin flip whether or not he'll be a Con or a Bot when he wakes back up? Just gotta keep working with him til the coin lands on Bot? Damn. Never expected that from this. If I'm right I love that idea! I hope the Bots can forgive and give Jazz a chance when they get back to safety.
hummergrey chapter 1 . 1/21/2019
Original idea with the visor hiding Jazz's red optics. And good that Ratchet knew him and how to calm him by simple touch alone. Right on character for them both.
Guest chapter 19 . 1/12/2019
Oh my god, I LOVE this so, so much; it's the BEST transformers fanfiction I've ever read. I really, really hope you update again; you are an Incredible writer
Foreverageek chapter 19 . 10/18/2018
Are you still updating? I love this!
Jess chapter 19 . 9/8/2018
This is an excellent story. I'm loving the build here. I hope you choose to continue, but even if it ends here - well done!
Omg chapter 19 . 8/12/2018
You still update? Sure only one chapter but I take what I can get.
As usual phenomenal work! Even better the tenth time I read it! I am in love with your portrayal of the transformers universe, and the way you tie everything together is masterful!
I hope to see this continued! -Mix
Need2Scream chapter 19 . 6/27/2018
It's so nice to se you back in action! This story is such a treat, I'll have to go back and re-read it. But I do that with all your stories. I love the interactions with past Jazz and Prowl with current Jazz and Prowl. It's not really night and day, but dawn and dusk. I hope you keep going with this and until next time, happy writing!
Eolian1 chapter 19 . 6/22/2018
Poor Jazz, that seemed traumatic for him. He works so hard to put on a tough facade. And poor Prowl, he's probably feeling rotten after Jazz's reaction and whatever he discovered that made him trust him. I like that bit where Jazz envies twins going together; shows a lot of his personality and how he felt about his batch-mates. Thanks for the updates!
TheRedScreech chapter 19 . 6/21/2018
Oh my goodness! Two full chapters and they're wonderful! This is such a wonderful way to start my day, so thank you!

I am really enjoying Jazz and Prowl's interactions. The interface scene was amazing, mostly because I've never read anything like it, so it was new and intriguing - it was also very well written! Prowl reacting to Jazz the way he did makes me wonder what he found. Free neutral status? Fascinating! And the fact that Jazz is making friends with Sideswipe just makes me grin. Sunstreaker will come around eventually, I'm sure. :)

And, geez Louise! Optimus just keeps getting into crazy situations that Jazz has to save him from. Twice in a day? The Autobots are going to run Jazz ragged. Haha!

I'm looking forward to what you have next!

CDR. Grae chapter 17 . 3/25/2018
I've always loved Jazz as a former-Decepticon-turned-good-guy stories. This is an amazing rendition of that trope. I love your version of Jazz; funny, skilled, can be ruthless when he wants to, and very clever. Please update soon, I would like to read more!
Eolian1 chapter 17 . 12/22/2017
I really like this younger Jazz, he comes across as fairly innocent. Still cunning, but upstanding enough that he helps out instead of taking his chance to run. And good thing, because he's finding friends crawling out of the woodwork because of it. Oh there's so much to wonder about how the Autobots are going to react to him after this most recent save, and the scene Prowl made in front of the whole trailer full of mechs!
Eolian1 chapter 16 . 12/22/2017
'Cutest arsenal he's ever seen'- and the cassettes still get the job done :)
Jazz and First Aid's conversation when they bump into each other is great.
Thanks for the chapter!
Need2Scream chapter 17 . 12/21/2017
Christmas came early with two chapters! I was trying to wait until Christmas Eve to read this after work, but I couldn't stand it. I adore all of your stories but I think this one is my favorite.

I can't wait to see what happens next. The team may say they still trust Jazz, but if something happens how long before they begin to doubt?

Have a wonderful holiday and a happy new year! Until next update :)
TheRedScreech chapter 17 . 12/17/2017
Oh my gosh! This was absolutely STELLAR! I loved the action in this! And blowing music at the 'Cons as a weaponized sonic ray was completely on par with Jazz's personality. Wheeljack, huh? I wonder when he'll come into play (in the flashback).

This was amazingly done, as always! And thank you for updating the two chapters. I don't know if I could have waited after Chapter 16 with nothing more to read. ;)

I look forward to what you have next! Cheers!
imjustpeachee chapter 15 . 8/22/2017
I've gone and reread this story 5 times in the last three days. I love the concept of Jazz being a "reformed" decepticon with a history of "old habits die hard." I can't wait to read more! Especially if Cliffjumper ever finds out...somebot needs to smack him a good one.
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