Reviews for Love in Rewind
Cassandra chapter 8 . 5/28
this story is really amazing!
I love the idea of going back in time, I really hope you continue it !
Chuck and Blair Forever !
thepinkalbum chapter 8 . 5/12
i wish you finish this one, I loved the premise and it was going so well
Kananox chapter 8 . 6/25/2018
I'm excited for the next chapter! It's amazing that Chuck's feelings are proceeding as scheduled even without sleeping with Blair! I just hope the two of them won't lose the Victrola event.
Klarobass chapter 8 . 4/7/2018
First of all, happy belated Easter, I hope you had a good holiday of you celebrate it. Second of all, on principle I choose quality over quantity. While I'm a fan of longer chapters, as long as the quality is there that's what truly matters. And if it helps bring more frequent updates I'm all for it.

It seems the timeline is falling back into place. I just hope breaking up with Nate and then getting back together with him so suddenly won't mess up Chuck and Blair's timeline of hooking up in the limo. They could have a ripple effect that could change the course of their relationship. Of course done changes are necessary to make to fix her future with Chuck, the key is not changing them too drastically that it changes too much and does more damage to Chuck and Blair's relationship in the future. I liked seeing Serena be supportive of Chuck and offer him her friendship. I think she's as curious as Chuck is why she suddenly got back together with Nate. I adore Chuck and Serena's friendship. I look forward to seeing Chuck's lost weekend with Nate next.
iALLIEgator chapter 8 . 4/4/2018
Please please i want to read more!
Im really curious of what Blair saw on her return back to the future and I really want to know her plans.
I like how you are incorporating Chuck’s confused feelings. Looking forward to new chapters!
Guest chapter 8 . 4/3/2018
AmaZing update!
Rosalie BittersweetCullen chapter 8 . 4/3/2018
I am sooo happy, I love your fic, is the bes fic for ever, please continue...
Thegirlthatcanshipanything chapter 7 . 11/4/2017
GGDGHGEYBDUHFYJCRJCYNDHB I've read this 3 three times already and the bloody ending still gets me. Also I just want you to know this story is amazing, you are amazing, and I hope you don't give up on either. 3
linhtrangngyen20 chapter 7 . 5/5/2017
Woa! It's so, so good. And totally piss off when you haven't updated for a long time. Please continue
Jordan chapter 7 . 1/25/2017
I haven't read anything this good in SO LONG! Please finish it ahhhhhh
Guest chapter 7 . 9/15/2016
Guest chapter 7 . 8/24/2016
Update soon please
Gatsbyaffair chapter 7 . 8/12/2016
So excited but please don't over complicate it. Promise there will still be victrola and limo?
chelsea130301 chapter 7 . 8/3/2016
please update really wanting to know whats gonna happen next! x
Klarobass chapter 7 . 8/2/2016
Time is fluid. Altering it is very dangerous and could have grave consequences if you change too much. Just changing one small thing, can lead to another small change, then another, which can lead to momentous changes that could drastically change her entire future. I think she's now realized going back in time is like playing with fire, the more you asked it the more it burns. She needs to plan on what she changes, and what she doesn't. I wonder if some of the changes have caused something devastating to happen to Chuck, one where he maybe died and this did not purchase the Empire, and thus making her realize she needs to be more cautious with what she changes.

I already wondered how she was going to weave around the victor victrola episode since she broke up with Nate so quickly into this story. Her and Nate were on good terms here, unlike in the canon universe, which would make the limo hookup and stage dance mich harder to acheive. While this move is risky, as if she doesn't break up with Nate in the right way then the Chuck and Blair limo hookup won't happen, meaning Chuck and Blair won't have a future together. The limo hookup is exigent to their future together. Just one misstep can adjust their future together. If things don't play out in the right way, maybe she'd stay with Nate after high school. But it could save her future with Chuck to, if she plays her cards right. I'm guessing Blair has a plan?

Was Chuck developing feelings for Blair? He looked crushed once he realized Blair was back with Nate. Of course I don't think Chick would about it openly, but to me, I think feelings were staying to surface for Chuck.

And your chair was great. This is the first time travel fix I've read, and it's one of my favorite genres. I've always wanted to read a fix like this for CB, buy could never find one until now. I've read a free in some other fandoms I read fanfic for though. Anticipation your next update and to see some of the reasoning for Blair's course of action. Hope it will be a quicker one even you're able to get to it :)
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