Reviews for On The Edge
The Reading Maid chapter 1 . 1/6/2008
Man, this was so amazing. You got pretty much everything perfectly: from what Legolas was feeling to Gimli's was just really good. Bravo!
Tathrin chapter 1 . 11/3/2004
That was really good. I like the acceptance of the sea-longing, and the way the mortals don't understand how he can do so. Great description of the sea, with the faint hint of Valinor's light across the water. Very nice descriptions, too! I like the way you explained how he was willing to risk the affliction for his friends and the quest, and then how he stays for those same friends. Imrahil is very well captured as well, for all that he is not in the story at all. Legolas's viewpoint is done excellently throughout! The end was very touching, drawing strength from Gimli and looking back "only once" to bid a "silent, but not final, farewell to the sea"-sends shivers of sorrow up your spine! I think it was that last part that really captured the sea longing, and you did it marevellously. Excellent job!
Sunn-Kissed chapter 1 . 10/11/2004
I big thankyou to Ithilien for recommending this story! I love it.

My favourite part would have to be Gimli grabbing Legolas' belt; it shows that however gruff our dwarf seems, he cares deeply for his friends. I mean, we all know it. You just show it.

I like the reference to the 'siren song calling him home.' Now that you've mentioned it, it seems like a good description of sea-longing.

Theresa Green chapter 1 . 9/25/2003
I found the line, "...lest Gimli should see that he found it hard to turn his back on the sea for the moment" *so* moving. Poor, poor Legolas! Thank goodness he has Gimli to keep him grounded in Middle-earth. I also enjoyed Gimli's line, "Certainly not without a ship!". This story has a lovely mixture of sadness and humour. I liked it a great deal. Well done!
Faerfaen chapter 1 . 2/19/2003
Another wonderful short piece by you. Bravo!

*~* Dy *~*
Ainaechoiriel chapter 1 . 2/16/2003
Very nice story, describes his longing well and does not play down the draw of the sea, or play it up too much either. His friendship with Gimli showed in the end, too. Good job, and good insight into Imrahil.
PuterPatty chapter 1 . 1/18/2003
Ah! Legolas, the sea-longing, and Gimli...It doesn't get any better than this.

Beautiful story, jenolas!
Ithilien chapter 1 . 1/16/2003
Ah, so moving! So lovely! Thank you Jenolas for this lovely fic. It really does hit upon my most favorite of themes. And there is so much here to love.

The evidence of detail is tangible: the sound of the water playing off the rocks; the taste of the salt in the air; the vision of the Undying Lands off in the distance... just magnificent graphical insight!

I would fear letting the Elf get too near the sea, but apparently the Prince of Dol Amroth isn't worried. I love his trust though I side with Gimli. I'd want to keep an eye out for Legolas too. And rather a good that the Dwarf did. Would Legolas have survived the visit if Gimli weren't there to save him? Maybe. Maybe not. But we can be assured, as you tell us, that Legolas' friendships can save him from many a near fall as the future holds it. Both real and metaphorical. Wonderful job! Thank you!
Thranduil1 chapter 1 . 1/16/2003
Very nice piece of work, jenolas. It is nice to see a sea-longing vignette that does not descend into the odd... Legolas is very Elven in this, true to himself as a character, viz almost losing himself to the point of falling in, had not the Dwarf caught him. I really liked that touch!

Nice job. The King is pleased. (smile)
Karri chapter 1 . 1/16/2003
Beautiful piece. :) Is there going to be more?
Jay of Lasgalen chapter 1 . 1/16/2003
That was great. I like these short, 'one-shot' fics, they conjure up such wonderful images. I love your description of the sea, I live about 15 minutes away from the coast, and love to walk on the beach. I can imagine what Legolas sees, hears, and feels so well.

I also like Gimli's rescue, it sounds rather familiar to a scene in FOTR!

Iaya R. White chapter 1 . 1/16/2003
I like it! That was good! I love Legolas! BYE!
LasseLanta01 chapter 1 . 1/16/2003
I know I've said this before in reviews of other stories, but you write the most lovely heartfelt moments in time. You describe the feelings so well, poor elf, but strong elf. It is very nice to read something that speaks to the inner strength and nobility of Legolas, a perception lost on many writers on this site. Thank you.
m.jules chapter 1 . 1/16/2003
Wow, this was really beautiful. I think you really captured the spirit of one of the last things we ever hear about Legolas in RotK, and you certainly captured the strange longing that comes over one who belongs to the sea. (Says the girl who nearly froze to death last night because she couldn't tear herself away from the light of the moon on the North Atlantic...)

Very, very good. I applaud you!
TreeHugger chapter 1 . 1/16/2003
Well, I know you got bitten by this plot bunny last night from reading the message board. Unbelieveable. This was beautiful, the imagery wondrous. And you did it in one night! You are amazing. I think that the thing that leapt out at me was when Gimli said "Legolas, come away. You are too close to the edge." Indeed that touches on many things, does it not? Legolas was not even aware of his physical proximity to the edge of the cliff, or his emotion proximity to the Call. You have captured the essense of Ithilien's remarkable story in this short chapter. Wonderful. I like the remarks about Prince Imrahil as well. Also the lightheartedness at the end made a very nice ending. No, he won't leave just yet.

elenath sila am le!
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