Reviews for Understanding
JediGaladriel chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
This was very good. However, I'm confused as to who Obi-Wan is referring to that he loves. Is he referring to Qui-Gon, or Ani? Who?
Mirthless Laughter chapter 1 . 9/5/2009

The look Obi-Wan gave Anakin in the third episode when he told him to go to Padme made me think, "He obviously knows." I love this way of putting Obi-Wan having found out about it. It was really deep and heartrending and summed up their relationship in a way I absolutely adored. Thanks for posting; I really like it. (
Shadow Padawan chapter 1 . 4/8/2007 and touching and beautiful.

Just perfect!

It brought tears to my eyes!

Wonderful job!
Ellie chapter 1 . 7/27/2005
Oh write another one. I want more
Vicki Vance chapter 1 . 1/17/2003
When it comes to fanfiction, the way I determine whether a story is worth reading is to read the first few paragraphs. With yours, I came to the coolest set of words: "psychosomatic malaise" and I literally said out loud "Sweet." I kept reading.

I love your vocabulary use. You are clearly an intelligent individual and you have a great sense of character, setting, and conflict; all necessary if a writer wants to be successful.

In a realm of Obi/Dala, Obi/Ani, Obi/Sabe, and Obi/Qui, it's nice to see Obi loving Ani in a way that's isn't 'juicy'. Frankly, I think a parent/child relationship makes for a more complicated relationship and an interesting read, as you so proved in your beautiful story.

Great handling of the Jedi philosophy on love. I think it's an improvement on Lucas' vague description of the whole concept.

Good luck!
Dalara chapter 1 . 1/17/2003
Wonderful story, Faye! I like your description of Anakin and Obi-Wan, their interaction.

What I'm not sure I got right is does Obi-Wan love Qui-Gon or Anakin. Thinking of it now, it must be Qui-Gon (from the summary). But actually at the end of the story I was starting to think it was Anakin...

Anyway great story. The characters are just like they are in the movie. Nice job!

Lisa chapter 1 . 1/16/2003
this is so very touching. I hope that you write more.
liz chapter 1 . 1/16/2003
Wow, what a wonderful story. Completely in character, in my opinion. The relationship between Obi-Wan and Anakin is tragic in its love, pain, and good intentions, and I think you have captured that perfectly. I hope you keep writing!
Anna Skywalker chapter 1 . 1/16/2003
Wow that was good. I hope to see more like it!
Leela74 chapter 1 . 1/15/2003
This is very good. The writing is superb. i like how you've got Anakin and Obi-Wan in character.
obaona chapter 1 . 1/15/2003
Wow. A truly touching story. Anakin has an all-consuming love for Padme - and Obi-Wan, in turn, loves Anakin, and lets him get away with it.

Even sadder knowing that if Obi-Wan had not loved him as he did, had not let Anakin get away with certain things, and had Anakin not loved Padme - Anakin's turn to the darkside would never have started.

Well, I'm babbling. But you know what I mean, I hope. :)

Like I said, wonderful story. :)