Reviews for Bound
Tyytyys Yaoi chapter 48 . 10/10/2019
I really don’t even know where to begin with this review, as I’m currently wishing I would have opted to review each chapter individually than to wait until the end and leave a single one. So much happened and this was the first time I’ve binge-read a fic in a long time. I can’t express how grateful I am to have found this story!

The two things that reeled me in to reading this story were MMA and BDSM. My interest was piqued and I just started reading! At first I was a little confused but also curious with the play in the beginning—with Isabel. I wondered if Levi was bi or if this drama was going to be a bit too much for me. However, it was far from that.

Levi’s kink was hot and it felt so real and understandable. For him to be willing to enact a scene with a person of the opposite sex when he had no sexual desire for them, that really made it relatable. I enjoyed the open trust and respect in Levi’s relationship with Isabel and Farlan and my heart broke for Levi after he lost Petra (even though the whole time I was chanting Eren’s name in my head like PLEASE)

We all know Levi is hot, so is Eren. Those two together are such a heated pair that it can’t help but make the thirst strong. Once I started, I just couldn’t stop. I just kept reading and reading and rooting for them, pleading in my mind constantly for something—anything to finally happen. And then it did. The slow build was enticing but also left me anxious. I had to have the next chapter, sleep be damned. I just needed to see what happened next. Over and over.

I was honestly surprised and impressed by the control and restraint both Levi and Eren showcased when it came to their needs. I still can’t believe that it took so long for the two of them to finally fuck, but damn if the wait wasn’t worth it.

The playtimes were hot, the first one having blown my mind at the otherworldly journey we were taken on along with Eren. It was emotional, leaving me fixated and reading over the scene three different times before I could move past it. Eren proved along and along that he really was the perfect submissive and Levi showed that he is a proper, knowledgeable dominant. You were on point. Exceedingly so.

You’re writing style is clean, easy to read and very enjoyable. Your skills are efficient in the way you show rather than tell and there was always the perfect amount of detail—never too much to feel as if pieces were being drawn out (instances where I will scroll to get past it in some fics) but just enough to express everything, elaborate on it and stick to the point.

I’m so impressed, honestly. There aren’t enough words that I can give you to tell you that you have done a great job with this story, but you have and I hope you know that. I am now new to following this story and I won’t lie, waiting can be extremely painful at times, but as a fellow writer, I completely understand. Life. Time. Motivation. It’s so easy to fall off at times, but after reading each author’s note, I have faith that one day you will come back and bless us with another chapter. And I will be patiently awaiting that day.

I know you’ve stated that we’re close to the end, which is also a bittersweet feeling, at least for me. Because... once it’s over, it’s over. Yet then it is complete—whole—and this will be a favorite of mine. I can’t wait to see what happens from here, I will be hoping for more playtime lol and definitely a happy ending for Levi and Eren where neither of their careers or lives are affected by their relationship.

Thank you so much for taking the time and putting forth the effort to share this story with us. It has truly been a great read and I’m glad I took a break from everything else to drown myself in it. I hope you’re doing well and that when you have time, you will have your muse. I hope that you will find the words within you easily and then continue to share with us. I have loved every second, even when I hated it. Ever when I wanted to knock some sense into these guys. So really, thank you.

Write on, Tyy
Guest chapter 48 . 7/13/2019
Splendid story. Q's: will there be a sequel? Will Levi still be isabel's Dom? What will happen to Isabel if or when Levi decides not to be her Dom anymore? Does Eren find out? How will Eren react? Drama! Will Eren feel jealous and ask for exclusivity? ! Would love to see Eren continue fighting and moving up in the MMA ranking.
The other side of Gemini chapter 48 . 7/12/2019
I just wanted to pop by and say hello and I hope you’re doing ok. It’s been awhile since we’ve heard from you and you mentioned you were having a bit of a rough time. So I figured I would mosey on over here and just say How’s it going? I hope all is well and that your days are filled with writing amazing stories (or whatever you love doing). You’ve already given so much awesomeness with this story that even if it ends where it is, it’s ok. Anyways, thanks for being a bad ass writer! Cheers!
YaoiFanGirl6767 chapter 16 . 7/12/2019
I was hoping Eren had more spine and not be so easily manipulated by Levi.
YaoiFanGirl6767 chapter 13 . 7/11/2019
Levi needs to suffer a little more for treating Eren sooo horrible! Angst and drama...make for good reading.
YaoiFanGirl6767 chapter 7 . 7/11/2019
Hahahaha! I'll donate my left kidney to Eren and help make it happen!
YaoiFanGirl6767 chapter 6 . 7/11/2019
Holy Freckled Jesus! Burn in Hell Jean! Burn in Hell! Love Levi's sensitivity! ****Gushing w/sheer joy****
YaoiFanGirl6767 chapter 3 . 7/11/2019
Love the detail and the flow of the story. My ship will sail!
YaoiFanGirl6767 chapter 1 . 7/11/2019
Wow! This is my second time reading this and it amazes me how it captivates the reader.
Peppermint the Cat chapter 48 . 7/9/2019
I adore your story and plot! it's so unique! I'll be waiting for the next update, I understand tho... I hope you have recovered and otherwise get well soon!
YaoiFanGirl6767 chapter 48 . 6/10/2019
This Fanfic is totally Freaking awesome! Loved the action in the cage and drama between Jean/Eren. Levi's kink holy freak, an eye-opening experience.'s always the quiet ones that are the kinkiest...Petra and Isabel. Beautiful and sensual in it's telling without being smuty. Enjoyed the Jean/Eren relationship, but I'm definitely an Eren/Levi shipper.
Thank you for your time and effort you put into this story, it made binging and neglecting my duties as a student worthwhile. Hahahahah!
YaoiFanGirl6767 chapter 34 . 6/10/2019
Holy F$%$, totally fantastic! Just Beautifully written! Fantastic!
The other side of Gemini chapter 48 . 5/25/2019
Thank you for continuing to write this story! It’s such a great one and I’m glad it will have a proper ending. I know it can’t have been easy for you to keep on it despite everything though. So, thank you. You’re commitment to this story is the greatest gift you could give us fans!
Guest chapter 48 . 4/23/2019
I just love your fanfic, I'm very happy when I see your updates and this chapter was very informative of Levi's feelings, his desires and how much he wants Eren.

Thanks for the update! I look forward for the next chapter. :)

An Amber Pen chapter 47 . 4/3/2019
*fans self* I can't think of any words to describe this besides 'hot' and 'intense'. Loved it! Please keep writing!
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