Reviews for The XCOM Viper
d8rkforcen1ght7 chapter 29 . 6/19
The ol switcheroo...I didn't expect it yet I did...
d8rkforcen1ght7 chapter 16 . 6/18
Soooooo... yandere viper queen... does this make Mercy the commander's step daughter?
d8rkforcen1ght7 chapter 8 . 6/18
Am I crazy or was there a hidden message in the Matriarch's speech?
Chris chapter 23 . 5/26
Forgot how much a bitch 007 is. I fucking hate characters that show up and act like they know the place. Like I know what Puppy shouldn't be doing that but like fuck you you don't get to boss people around the literal minute you get there.
ThunderbladeN chapter 30 . 5/8
That was a pretty epic story. Excited to read the next chapter of this world you've built.
SokolovM98 chapter 30 . 4/25
A masterpiece of a story, interesting and absolutely fascinating to read, with an exact mixture of romance, action and intrigue. I really enjoyed the revelations of heroes' characters, but most of all - the Commander's one. That was an absolute marvel!
As for the language, it is also quite nice(from my point of view), yet I have been able to pinpoint several typos.
Thank you, 'The Imperator 2 you', for this work of art!
Latios chapter 29 . 3/18
It actually made me think someone shoot the mother of the vipers hahaah
Latios chapter 12 . 3/16
Beautiful I love the part when he accidentally puts he's hand on Mercy's hehe hum berger
shinghidorah chapter 30 . 2/3
holy shit dude.. you just literally blew my mind; especially chapter 29! my god, I never thought she was a mole, not by a longshot! but seriously, it's been almost two years since your last update and I really love the way the story is going..
something big is gonna happen, and I can't wait to find out if you plan on updating it this year
Drago The Firesword Dragon chapter 27 . 1/11
So, because I have already reviewed the next chapter, here's another referring to a thing on the next chapter.

White Buffalo. Halo Wars 2 trailer.

Just realised it.
Genesis1212 chapter 18 . 12/19/2019
I Love how clueless Mercy is with other people and their customs.

Not to mentioned its not rushed in any way shape or form which I respect greatly considering many romances happen within 10 chapters or so.

You treat it as a side story and not part of the main story everything is intentional and meaningful. Love this story!
Genesis1212 chapter 12 . 12/15/2019
They were left there for over 20 years?! Whoa I wonder how self aware they are truly are.

This was a damn good chapter! I hope out 2 new friends make it out and live for a long time!
Genesis1212 chapter 6 . 12/13/2019
Wow this is an interesting devolopment. So happy to be invested in this story!
Genesis1212 chapter 2 . 12/13/2019
Yeah rushed romance is crappy story telling good on you for priorities.

I like how you incorporate what I assume are game mechanics (gremlin talking to the agents as well as the OP being viewed from an elevated location as well as being broadcasted for people to 'see' into the narrative in a believable way.
Genesis1212 chapter 1 . 12/12/2019
First Xcom fic on here for me well written and very curious I never personally played XCOM but Im told ita very good strategy game similar to Valkeria Chronicles which I adore.

As for the subject matter Im a sucker for a good romance story between species so fave and like from me!
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