Reviews for It's a family matter
Spideyfangirl123 chapter 9 . 2/24/2019
hearts, dimonds, spades, the one that looks like a tree(idk what is that shape), kings, queen?!, ace...
Ethereal Eidolon chapter 9 . 6/10/2018
Wow. This is such an intriguing idea that you've thought up here, and it's all so skillfully written. Your writing style is very pleasant to read and I am thoroughly enjoying where this story is going. You've got me completely enthralled with this. I can't help but read chapter after chapter. Please update this as soon as you are able, though I don't want to pressure you into doing so if you are not up for it, so just keep going at a pace that you're comfortable with. I will still be here to read it as soon as you are ready.
rosewaver1 chapter 9 . 3/10/2018
Oh man, Adrien's akuma is so delightfully twisted. I'm honestly really excited to see what the King of Clubs will be like. Also Gabriel's a special sort of fucked up to do this to his own son.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/14/2018
This is simply one of the best Miraculous fanfictions I have read. It is so fresh and original, and the different personalities of Adrien are represented so well! Love it!
D C JoKeR H S chapter 9 . 4/22/2017
Aaaah! I love all the Adriens/Cards! They're all so cute! (They're the different [selves] Adrien has, aren't they?! I love this so much! I also love where Andre's all "who saves you?" And IT'S TOO CUTE FOR WORDS WITH THE LACK OF REPLY HINTING THE CARDS WANT TO BE SAVED BUT DON'T BELIEVE THEY CAN BE! WHAAA! THANKS FOR THE AWESOME UPDATE! XD)
not-your-average-housecat chapter 9 . 4/20/2017
My review won't be as long as the last two people who have left reviews, but I love this so much. Your version of akumatized Adrien is amazing and my favorite I have read. This is very well done and one of my favorite fics, please update soon!
Guest chapter 9 . 4/19/2017
interesting that Adrien is so caring and sensitive that his scary parts can feel it if they try and get affected by moral dilemas. I like how once stared destroying but then stopped and started to blame himself. seems like that self hate and low self esteem is strong not just in hearts. maybe its spead out to all the rest and ladybug can take advantage of it. I'm touched that the mayor cares about Chloe's childhood friend. I'm so glad the Adrien's aren't going after chloe. She knows Adrien best and she understand moral gre areas unlike Marinette 'no one can get akumatized on christmas'-dupain cheng. girl has been in so many akuma attacks she is almost a qualified a expert as ladybug and chat noir. though fixing them she might not be able to do, stalling and confusing someone or parts of someone she's known for years..childsplay. I'm so freaking scared of hearts though. I'll take physical destruction and numb lying to that much emotional sensitivity anyday. I love the mayor wonder about the city and saving Adrien :)
Joey chapter 9 . 4/19/2017
yay! your alive! this is fascinating. I'm glad the mayor cares. Adrien is Chloe's childhood friend. She might be possessive now but its clear that she's scared she's going to lose him now that Adrien has options. plus mari is very popular and has a crush on Adrien which means mari actively wants to take Adrien away. marinette already tried to take Sabrina away and mari doesn't even personally really like Sabrina. alone with that Sabrina is one of Chloe's only two known friends. Nino already replaced Chloe as best friend to Adrien. I love how horrified the mayor is that its Adrien. it matches how horrified the rest of his friends are about Adrien being akumatized. I feel that maybe Chloe might be the only one emotionally odd enough to deal with Adrien's akuma effectively based on everyones reactions. Chloe is self-centered but she cares for Adrien and unlike marinette, chloe isn't naïve enough to believe Adrien has been okay this whole time. Chloe can manipulate and understand selfish desires and wanting to hurt people and do things most would think as morally wrong. She can also be surprisingly sensitive and kind in her own way and is very honest and strait forward at other parts. I think its good she hasn't been brought in on all this. She'd be horrified but I think a part of her wouldn't be surprised. I think when she finds out whats been going on things are going to be shaken up!
D C JoKeR H S chapter 8 . 10/28/2016
(oooh, I wonder what Clubs is like 8w8)
AnnBunny chapter 8 . 10/27/2016
c(; - ; v) ~ nuuuuuuu...
BellaBeau91 chapter 8 . 10/27/2016
Great story. Keep it up
Guest chapter 5 . 8/21/2016
What...? I don't- I'm MAJORLY confused here... What the heck is going on?
SprinkleofMagic chapter 7 . 8/21/2016
Guest chapter 7 . 8/21/2016
It was great! I didn't see any errors! I thought it was wonderful and much more clear than past chapters! I understood everything
hv13 chapter 7 . 8/20/2016
Love it continue it please update soon. So intense
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