Reviews for Neighbours From Hell
avcos chapter 12 . 6/4
The banana bread, oh my goodness! Poor Gajeel is never going to live it down. I love this AU, the chapters are short, sweet, funny and easy to read. This story is like a balm when I've been working on angsty things, please keep updating!
Iwa-chan chapter 12 . 5/3
Awwwww ma gahddddd i love this so much. You don't know how many times i laughed while reading this ohoho keep up tje good work author sama... Lol author sama jk author san
inklingdrop chapter 12 . 2/11
i had so much fun reading this chapter! this entire story is so fun and easy to read & i’m excited to see more bickslow and lucy and see lucy and freed be geeks together and hopefully see natsu set something on fire lol!
Psycho Kay chapter 12 . 2/8
I finally started clearing out my email and whaddya know, a notification for this was sitting in it! I don’t know how to describe it, but this au hits just right and your writing is still so very nice to read.
LadyAllyssa chapter 12 . 2/1
Oh yey! thank you for updating!
I must know more about the banana bread! haha
Guest chapter 12 . 1/29
Yayy new chapter
JenHeartAl chapter 12 . 1/29
Hahahahahaha. That Thor nickname. Precious
Nina of Fairy Tail chapter 12 . 1/28
Omigosh yes! A NEW CHAPTER! AAAH! I can't wait until they all meet and start having their Friday Nights together!
Nina of Fairy Tail chapter 11 . 12/17/2019
Okay, this is sugar, spice and all things Fairy Tail wrapped up in one story... I love it. I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!
Dragon of Winter chapter 11 . 4/6/2018
This story is great. I've really been enjoying it. The different scenarios are really cute. Youre a really good writer.
kittentf chapter 11 . 1/24/2018
enjoyed the bits of colu, cried over the sort of reconciliation. looking forward to how things go from here
Psycho Kay chapter 11 . 1/22/2018
Well that's just sad. I'm glad their issues seem to be resolved though. But what's going to happen with cobra and Lucy?
Psycho Kay chapter 10 . 1/22/2018
With how much she drinks, what would happen if Lucy wasn't able to chug alcohol after a bad day? At the very least she wouldn't have met Cana and this whole chapter would've been waaaay different.
Psycho Kay chapter 9 . 1/22/2018
By bartender I kind of want to assume he lives next to Cana but my default thought was shizuo from DURARARA
Psycho Kay chapter 8 . 1/21/2018
I feel like we need to make a timeline of this au, or at least put the chapters in chronological content order :b
But that's a job for a reader with time on their hands cx
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