Reviews for Four-Coloured Pen
sjsreader chapter 5 . 8/31/2018

Seriously. So cute. Perfectly paced. You did an AMAZING job with the chat and it all made so much sense and it was all in marvelous character and holy crap talent. Wow. WOW.
Thank you for writing. You honor the world with your words. :)
swiftcity chapter 1 . 6/13/2018
This is amazing thank you
lovelovelove chapter 5 . 3/17/2018
i absolutely loved reading this fic! soroku is such a rare pair but you do such a good job of writing both their personalities so well! keep up with the great works! 3
Asutorido chapter 5 . 8/3/2017
I read a comment and I didn't believe them about crying because of how good the story was but now I'm a believer. Dear lord this fic was amazing I'll be keeping up with your other stories.
AuroraDustDiamond chapter 5 . 5/27/2017
I just finished this story in one sitting and now I'm like totally not crying uncontrollably (yes I am) and I just wanted to say that this was an amazing work of art that I'm so glad I found.
A Lonely Dreamer chapter 5 . 5/8/2017
Well I finally read this...

God damn I'm glad you finished it :D. 1000% worth the wait!

Keep at it Chii, I hope life is going well!

Much love - your occasional collab partner :D
Kuma-tiff chapter 5 . 4/26/2017
I think this is the cutest fic I've read in a long time qvq not really into soulmate tattoo fics, but I was like "let's give this one a chance" and man I don't regret it at all (you could say it was fate *wink wink*)

Loved the three stories before this and I'm a giant sucker for the "friends to lover" trope, honestly cant think in anything to say rather than I loved it and tell you the amazing job you did and how much I enjoyed it (。- ω -)
aniche Lakiche chapter 5 . 3/25/2017
This was so good and original! Thank you for writing it!D
Soroku Lurker chapter 5 . 3/19/2017
Kigen Dawn chapter 5 . 1/6/2017
Sad that it's over but this ending was so amazing. You write the best sora/Roxas stories i have ever read in here
Fai Senri chapter 5 . 1/5/2017
That was amazing! \(o)/ I loved it! Damn it, Roxas & Sora were just so adorable! I loved how you ended it and really glad you took the time to write this story. I really enjoyed it.
I wish you the best on your future stories. I can't wait until you start up SALWY again. :) Good luck!
kitesis chapter 5 . 1/5/2017
Aaaaah! Oh my god! I have no idea how to express in words how AMAAAAAZING this was! I'm so proud that you were able to finish it with such a strong ending and i loved every minute of this chapter! Ahhh it was just so good and I'm so proud and happy!
Fai Senri chapter 4 . 1/2/2017
Rosas is here! XD I was waiting for this chapter! I was really surprised in how you characterised Roxas though. There's obviously more to him then the carefree silly front (or perhaps only just one side of him) that he uses. One question though. Are the soulmate marks all black like a tattoo/one colour uniformly? Or are they different colours depending on the soulmate? It's something that pinged me when Roxas said his was a "scar". I can't wait to see how they'll react when they meet though. I still feel like it could go either way. And honestly, the way Sora is going I'm starting to think there might not even be a real pen involved with his soulmate so I'm interested to see what'll happen and what Sora will say in response. Part of me feels like he'll dismiss the possibility of Roxas being his soulmate and just consider it proof of their friendship. Because all the people he's mistaken to be his soulmate have ended up being his best friend, he might just take it as a sign of "yeah, we're definitely going to be best friends." You know, just skip the heartbreak/disappointment stage and go straight to being best friends. Maybe he'll even expect Roxas to say his words? Sorry, depressing prospects, but I'm really anxious about what'll happen when they meet.
Either ways, I loved this chapter and I can't wait for the next! :)
yuuri1 chapter 4 . 12/31/2016
I know this story will gonna be a great soroku story. I love this pairing and i can't wait to read how will they met.
Somehow, I coul feel what roxas's going trough. The last really got me tear up.
I hope u do well in your daily life so you can have time and motivation to update this story.
(*︶*).。.:* ︎
LuLupus chapter 4 . 12/1/2016
Roxas and Sora need to meet each other in person ASAP!
The dramatic irony in their conversations is killing meeeeeeeeeee
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