Reviews for Rendezvous
NeonDomino chapter 1 . 3/29/2016
I really enjoyed reading this. This pairing is in my top 3 slash pairings, and it was amazing. I love that they have to be really careful about it, not wanting the others to find out, and that James was drunk and mumbled his love confession when he's falling asleep.

Poor Regulus thought James said it because he was drunk, bless him, but thankfully that wasn't the case. I love the end where Regulus wasn't scared to say it back, knowing that James loved him too.
WolfWinks chapter 1 . 3/29/2016
Lovely. It was so nice to read and so sweet. There wasn't too much flowery stuff but there was enough to really make it lovely. I didn't spot any issues in any writing aspect and I truely enjoyed it. Well done! (Charscterisation was perfect btw)
3cheersforidiots chapter 1 . 3/27/2016
Oooh I haven't read that many James/Regulus fics, but I love me some good bit of fluff, so this was a pleasant surprise.
For some reason, I can totally imagine Regulus being the one who stays up all night just to make sure that James doesn't leave and that it wasn't just a dream (though to be honest, I could just as well imagine James doing the same. Also, it also seemed so believable for me that James would be the one to blurt 'I love you' out while under the influence of alcohol. That just seems so much like him.
Overall, this was a cute and fluffy drabble, I enjoyed it :)
DobbyRocksSocks chapter 1 . 3/26/2016
I really enjoyed reading this. It's not a pairing I'm overly familiar with, but I love the way you wrote them. I can kind of believe it, in an odd way. I tend to ship Regulus with Barty, but maybe that cause it's easier? Eh.
I love the characterisation of Regulus the most, I think. It's amazing the many different ways he can be portrayed in fanfiction, but I like yours a lot.
Also, as a side note, I haven't really commented on your SpaG, in any review, but just take it as read that you are flawless, so I don't really check for it any more :)
jiangcheng chapter 1 . 3/26/2016
Now excuse me while I fangirl! Aw, I LOVED THIS! I'm a huge sucker for James/Regulus stories even though it seems odd! I loved how you used the prompts and how Regulus didn't believe him at first. Such a cute drabble and I absolutely adored it! Well done! :D
- Jas
Debs1990 chapter 1 . 3/24/2016
I'm a Jily fan but I think this is a cute story. I love how Reg stays awake to watch James sleeping. It must have been tough not knowing if he meant it or not, so I was glad at the end when James wakes up and confesses his love again. I love how the last line talks about them moving towards a more serious relationship.
The Crownless Queen chapter 1 . 3/23/2016
This is a weird pairing, and it's totally against my Jily otp, but is it bad that I kind of like it anyway? :p
This was a nice story. I really enjoyed reading Regulus' inner monologue when he hears that James loves him, and the hourglass theme throughout your fic was great too. I feel like the 'reveal' of James' name at the end would have had more impact if the pairing hadn't been announced in the beginning and in your story's characteristics, but I understand why you did it that way ;)
1755 chapter 1 . 3/9/2016
I. Love. Regulus/James. So much to unpack in their relationship, though this fic is much more fluffy than backstory-y (uh, you know what I mean). I loved the last line, that "this rendezvous might just be the one that would last forever." Great way of wrapping it up and bringing us back to the beginning.
Common mistake, but Firewhiskey is actually spelled Firewhisky.
The Ghostly Minion chapter 1 . 3/1/2016
OK. a very interesting ship, OOC and out of story as well. It raises all sorts of questions, none of which you answer and for a drabble, that's all to the good. The feelings you explore here are androgynous, it could apply equally to m/m, f/f, or m/f.

Love the Brightest Star chapter 1 . 2/29/2016
Sweet! James/Regulus is not my usual thing, but this was pretty amazing.
Winter Leigh End chapter 1 . 2/16/2016
This was pretty sweet. I'm not surprised James would be the first to say it, he does seem more open in that way. Though, Gryffindors usually do to me.

I liked how in this fic you got a feel what they're doing is all very secretive when you mention things like them sneaking around to avoid confrontation and such. I kind of want to know what Sirius would have to say about his brother and best friend hooking up now…
DolbyDigital chapter 1 . 2/12/2016
Thank you so much for this! I absolutely loved it! It was beautifully written and I loved the characterisations. I really loved how James drunkenly confessed his feelings, and how Regulus was unsure how to react to this. I also loved that James reiterated those feelings in the morning, especially as he might not have remembered saying them the night before. I also thought it was really sweet that Regulus stayed awake the entire night just to watch James sleep.

I thought the ending was absolutely perfect - I really wish everything could turn out alright for them, and that I could just cheerfully ignore how canon kills off pretty much everyone from the Marauders era.

Again, thank you so much for this, and I’m sorry it took me so long to review.
Lamia of the Dark chapter 1 . 2/9/2016
Regulus and James is an interesting pairing. I haven't read anything that paired them together before.

I feel sorry for poor Regulus, staying awake the whole night wondering if his not-quite-boyfriend's drunken love confession was real or just an effect of the alcohol.

Is the hourglass a metaphor or is it actually in the room? I was so confused about that, especially since there was also an actual clock.
SpicyWolfsbane chapter 1 . 2/9/2016
James and Reg! I love James and Reg as a pairing! *-*
It's so cute the way James confesses his feelings, even if he was drunk. And Reg's reactions, so precious /