Reviews for Dimmadreki's Quest
Guest chapter 1 . 2/13
I like that nod to thrawn from the old star wars EU, gave me a nice smile :D

Aurastar Warrior chapter 36 . 12/30/2019
that was an awesome story I hope you do more like this.
Aurastar Warrior chapter 34 . 12/30/2019
I hope there is more after I'm almost at the end here
Aurastar Warrior chapter 30 . 12/30/2019
oof I only started reading this today starting the the one before this wow. I read fast. can't wait for next part of lightning and death itself unless your gonna do another turned dragon fanfic.
BigBorris777 chapter 36 . 9/16/2019
I love it man! Great series! Loved the ending, and love your writing! (HTTYD 3 SEQUAL?) Well, it as good!
Fidget the Zorua Fossil Fighte chapter 24 . 8/25/2019
The male Titan and how he treats his nest compared to his sisters reminds me of this quote from Paarthurnax from the game Skyrim “Which is better: to be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?”
Fidget the Zorua Fossil Fighte chapter 18 . 5/27/2019
I feel like Næturvon and the twins would make good friends
Fidget the Zorua Fossil Fighte chapter 36 . 5/26/2019
This was a great fanfic I seriously enjoyed it thanks for this amazing story
Deadly-Bagel chapter 27 . 5/11/2019
Well, you do have a penchant for happy endings, just threw me off with that farewell xP

And Dimmadreki won't kill the egg? Hmm. That leaves him in a dilemma anyway because if its female it sounds like she's pretty much guaranteed to become a tyrant.
Deadly-Bagel chapter 25 . 5/11/2019
Kind of hard to get a read on this Titan. He doesn't seem to like what his kin are doing, and Dimmadreki's response to his morals was maybe a little severe. He said it doesn't feel right, isn't that basically what a moral is? He took the whole "I'm here to kill you" thing very well, but did a 180 after being spared and then attacked when he didn't get an answer as to Dimmadreki's further intentions.

And then there was that little suggestion that this was going to come back to bite him. Will he have to fight two? Unlikely, he could make it a war of attrition, two giants require twice the food. A warning then, and a trap.
Deadly-Bagel chapter 24 . 5/11/2019
Hmm, I figured when the sky dragons in the nest were talking the decision over that he'd maybe enslaved a few, and was being clever. Wasn't until this started getting weird here that I made the connection, always nice when that happens.

Then, a hard decision. There's two things to consider, the first being if he failed as mentioned, and the second being that this Titan has the potential.

I think the first is a no-brainer. He might die to the last female, but he might also die to this male. Either way, he's one fight away from a sort of victory. Except that the egg could hatch male, so regardless it would be best to risk the female first.

The second point is trickier, should he kill someone for having the potential to be "evil"? That would be hypocritical, he'd have to kill the Bewilderbeasts too.
Deadly-Bagel chapter 20 . 5/11/2019
Stoick is still interestingly stubborn, despite basically giving up everything. If you hadn't clearly invested so much in the farewell I might think he was going to make it. Maybe he still will, with a clearer air between them, but I don't think so.

The bit about his legacy being that he was a bad father is... probably ill-worded. Being a bit close to home, I choose to interpret it as that he's proud of how his legacy, Dimmadreki, flourished in spite of that rather than because of it.
Deadly-Bagel chapter 19 . 5/11/2019
"Do you want me to answer that honestly?" lmao, very Fishlegs, got a few laughs from this chapter. Kind of shortsighted of Astrid not to make THAT connection though xP guess she's still young.
Deadly-Bagel chapter 17 . 5/11/2019
Ahhh, there it is _ an interesting resequencing to keep the happy bits together and maintain the tone. Quite fair given your style.

I'm pretty sure that the four older Furies are out of the proverbial woods, as far as author intentions go, but I wonder about little 'Skuggi.
Deadly-Bagel chapter 16 . 5/11/2019
That all came together rather quickly. Stealing the flock was unexpected and a good plan, I'd forgotten about the head-knock thing, though I'm disappointed we didn't see the reunion.
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