Reviews for The Curse
ally1762 chapter 125 . 9/29
honestly, I literally would have never taken Caroline back. Payton is way moot forgiving than me
Teresawritesfic chapter 1 . 9/25
Hi! First it says you started this in Feb 2016! That’s amazing! How do you keep going without feeling burnt out by the story? I finished chapter 1 and like it. Can’t wait to read the rest.
Djone246 chapter 125 . 9/25
Im sorry but stefan is doing too much for me. It seems like there is a problem after another like first it was mason and now they can't have sex because he can't make love to her anymore because he has feelings for her but not like that in the bed room which confusing as hell. No relationship should be this complicated but it just show how much you really love that person throughout all the bullcrap. Im so not ready for Valarie
She is going to be really annoying. she is going to become a real problem especially how Stefan is going to act towards her because the way he acted towards her in the show concerning Caroline like he was basically throwing Caroline to the side and I get why he was doing it because Julian kill their unborn child but don't keep secrets from Caroline let her know what's going on that way she'll understand why you're acting the way you're acting and he was basically blowing off Caroline for Valerie so this is going to be very annoying. Can't wait for more
Djone246 chapter 124 . 9/18
Stefan should just be honest on what he's feeling about Mason because if he keep going down this route he's going to lose Payton. This is unnecessary drama that's going on between him and Mason. Payton definitely had a right to go off on Damon because he does stuff without thinking and then everybody else suffer the consequences but then when that happens he has this I don't give a f*** attitude and it's like dude act your age you're not a child anymore stop acting like it. And I still hope that Payton is the one who carry the twins instead of Caroline
Djone246 chapter 123 . 9/11
You know what I'm over Damon I'm over his I don't give a s*** attitude I'm just over it and stuffing please stop cuz you're making your relationship worse by doing the most the only one that has a problem now is only stuffing Mason is over it also and Peyton is over it you keep going about this wrong you're going to mess up your own relationship please stop and I do not want to see Valerie can't stand can't stand that girl
Djone246 chapter 122 . 9/6
I hope Damon got over his attitude with Payton because it got old the first time dick to her. I'm annoyed with Stefan for not telling Payton about them blowing up the house full of heretics, like dude didn't yall just have a conversation about telling everything. I fell for Payton this was her dream now she has to stop it for delusional Lily and her make believe Heretics family AKA The Addams Family. But I also didn't like about the show is that Lily acting like Stefan and Damon wasn't her son's and she choose her family that is not blood over her actual son's that really pissed me off and then acts confused when Damon doesn't give a crap about her when she dies or being alive in general. I cannot wait until they reveal that the Gemini twins are alive and I hope that they are living safely with Payton instead of Caroline. I don't know what it is but for some reason I think Caroline and Mason going to end up together which I'm all for as long as they leave Payton and Stefan alone with the messy crap that they have been pulling in the past.
Djone246 chapter 121 . 8/30
I love that Payton is finally happy with Stefan and they finally got to have time with each other and no drama which is what their relationship needed. I liked that Payton is giving Caroline chance and they're taking it slow. I love that Payton finally has what she want she owns her own business and I'm happy for her and I understand how Stefan feels but he got to also know that Payton only wants him. She wanted him in the beginning when she didn't even know she wanted it him when she was still with Mason I'm going to be honest with you. I'm not looking forward for when Valerie shows her face she was a pain in the ass to even though I understand what she was going through with her baby is situation but she's also annoying as hell. But I hope that Peyton is the one who carries the the babies for her father instead of Caroline that would be a good twist and you would never expect it. Stefan and Peyton forever love goals
Guest chapter 118 . 8/22
I really wanted Peyton to take the cure, not Elena.
Djone246 chapter 120 . 8/22
what Stefan did was faul really you want to use her insecurities against her but the best part is when they finally talked about how they felt about Stefan holding his emotions from Payton and about Payton and how she felt about the engagement I'm so happy they finally talked it out instead of walking away from their problems. And I also want to add another thing would a large said that he felt like he lost everything hello I understand that you lost your fiance and babies but don't forget you still have a daughter too I felt that hurt that Payton felt when he said that like really dude understand that you've lost everything but you still have you first child she's not chopped liver get it together and also when he tried to kill himself in the other chapter like dude are you serious you still have a daughter to think about I know you feel like your world is crashing down but really
Djone246 chapter 2 . 8/14
I think it would be real cool is Peyton carries babies instead of Caroline I mean it would be weird but just like one of the reviewers for the story said that you hear that moms carry the babies for the daughter when the daughter can't I think I would be a very good special family thing I hope Peyton is the one who carries the babies instead of Caroline yeah I think that would be really cool that she did that for her dad I mean is weird to say but it's not an uncommon thing
Djone246 chapter 119 . 8/14
Payton has a right to feel the way she feels after all that crap that she's been through and after all the crap that she seen people going through their marriage first one with her mother and father and then with Jo and her father. She's just can't catch a break and I think Stefan would understand and give her some time look up spend more time with each other let them to get to know each other more better no Mason drama no Caroline drama just no more drama between them that way they can you know completely understand each other more and be happy. I hope next season damon can stop being a asshole towards payton and be nice to her and friendly because let's be honest Payton has never done anything to Damon to act this way towards her and maybe he'll understand what she went through when he killed Mason now that Elena is in a deep sleep. And let's not forget Caroline you better not start your s*** again or it's game over for her just accepted Caroline he does not want you
WickedlyMinx chapter 118 . 8/7
Does this mean Caroline won’t hold the babies right? It’s gonna be someone else, cuz I feel like that would be weird? Or would it be more weird for Payton to do it? Even though you hear of moms carrying their daughter children if the daughter can’t? I feel like I’m thinking too much into this XD

Or are you doing this big plot twist where Payton won’t have sisters if you plan to end this story when Stefan dies unless your gonna do a twist.

Don’t mind me XD
AB0918 chapter 118 . 8/7
ahhhh okay, sobbing. This chapter was so beautifully written, and the scenes between Payton and Alaric before the wedding it my heart. You really captured the whole thing and wrote it all out beautifully. I also hate that Alaric and Jo never got their happy ending, probably one of the saddest things to me! But okay, I’m seriously going crazy over here over Stefan proposing to Payton. I neeeed to see it LOL! Really loved this, great work! Can’t wait for next week :)
AB0918 chapter 116 . 7/31
Sorry I’ve been slacking on my reviews - I’m still here reading though! I’ve loved the last few chapters. I can’t even tell you how much I look forward to your Friday updates to see where you are taking the story! That conversation with Stefan and Alaric was so heart warming. I really am looking forward to seeing the proposal! I hope Payton says yes! :)
Adela chapter 116 . 7/25
Love the chapter
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