Reviews for Fan Club
Guest chapter 2 . 3/30/2019
This was so entertaining and very well written, thank you :)
HiminaChanTteba chapter 2 . 7/11/2018
Ahh I want to read the interview now, I always like the trope Byakuya despise Ichigo who wants to court his sister xDD
But it's almost 2 years, I'm already satisfied by this fic haha. I also like the relationship you make of Renji and Ichigo in your fics, somehow really in character yet humorous!
Guest chapter 2 . 4/6/2017
I love this!
yocel chapter 2 . 3/12/2017
I love your one shotttt...
I need more~~
Olivia Nico chapter 1 . 12/22/2016
good evening...
Can I include your story to my community of Rukia Kuchiki's praisewothy stories?
your story has beauty and poetry... PM me if you like...
This is OPgirl
thank you
FangirlIssues31 chapter 2 . 10/9/2016

First of all I loooooved the conversation between Ichigo and Renji "bros before hoes" BLOODY BRILLIANT! Next, I LOVE how you didn't let the Bleach ending let you down, thank you for writing this.


Thank you so much! Take care and kisses for you!
jobananasan chapter 2 . 9/27/2016
I have re-read the first chapter several times but never left a comment. Read it again this morning. When I saw that there was a second chapter I was confused 'cause I could've sworn it was always a one-shot. Then saw the update date and I was *cue the heavenly choir singing* HALLELUJAH!

I just love the bro thing going on with Ichigo and Renji. In the manga I've always pictured Renji as the slightly older brother that Ichigo never had but wished he did. And I just love it when writers show Ichigo acknowledging Renji's feelings for Rukia, being respectful of it, and asking for Renji's blessing.

Oh Byakuya...LOL. Renji talking about Byakuya's meltdown was hilarious! I do hope you write about the interview. If Byakuya's already freaking out just from Ichigo applying, I can only imagine how agitated he'd be at the interview. I've always wanted to see Byakuya have a breakdown and act like his younger self as in TBTP Byakuya. It'd surely be an eye opener for both him and Ichigo to realize that personality-wise they've got more in common than not. *smirk* Well I hope Ichigo is accepted.

The IR moment started off tense and I really was expecting Rukia to put up a lot of stubbornness. But I'm glad she gave in without too much fight. And a frazzled Ichigo is definitely more fun than a frazzled Rukia.

Regarding 686, it's utter bullshit. And that's an insult to bullshit because it's actually worse than bullshit. NONE of it makes any sense whatsoever. It was like a different manga with different characters altogether. I will never ever accept it. IR became canon a long time ago. One fucked up chapter doesn't take anything away from IR and all the goodies we got. Thank you for updating and hoping we get a 3rd chapter :)
hikarishe chapter 2 . 9/14/2016
hai author-san, I'm Indonesian reader :D English is not my mother language and actually I cant understand english fluently hehe :D but I love u'r fic. somewhy i can enjoy u'r words , u'r sentences. all of that can make me laugh. hehe :D I hope u make the interview too. hahaha. must be funny see interaction between byakuya n ichi. hihi. ganbatte author-san , sorry if my sentences are suck. haha. hope u can understand what I mean :D
gooeystar83 chapter 2 . 9/9/2016
omg, dude, thanks for this! This was really good!
abiecula chapter 2 . 9/9/2016
interview please...
abiecula chapter 2 . 9/9/2016
ointment for my bruised heart.. thank you so much
abiecula chapter 1 . 9/9/2016
I love this so much!
han-ichiruki chapter 2 . 9/8/2016
i loved how passionate you made ichigo about conffessing his love for rukia so good job :) and yes i want you to write the interview it will be do funny XDD ;)
OPrincess ShinigamiO chapter 2 . 9/7/2016
I can't believe you got these characters in-check althroughout! We all know that Ichigo's a secret sap when it comes to romance (hello? Not a lot of tough-looking guys appreciate Shakespeare), and Rukia's reaction to it is definitely what she'd most likely do in canon.

Of course a Byakuya interview is wanted ;)
OPrincess ShinigamiO chapter 1 . 9/7/2016
God, I love you! This is a great break from the reality of the, ughhhh, last manga chapter. Keep it up! :D
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